2429494 - 7005C50 front side door interior opening mechnism r-r for repair or replacement with door panel removed

Removing ( Refitting )  - 7005D14  front side door descending window glass - r r with door panel (and mount frame) removed - 7005A08  interior support frame of one side door r r with door panel removed1. Disconnect the idler device (1a) from the retainer (1b) for the interior opening handle.2. Release the cable from the retainers.
1. Release and open the anti-break in protection.2. Remove the lock retainer access cover.3. Release the idler device (3a) from the lock retainers (3b) and (3c).4. Remove the idler device assembly.
Refitting ( Removing ) Check that the return device is not damaged.Position the device and attach it to the lock retainers.Fit the cover.Position the anti-break in protection correctly.Attach the cable to the retainers.Connect the idler device to the interior handle retainer.  - 7005A08  interior support frame of one side door r r with door panel removed - 7005D14  front side door descending window glass - r r with door panel (and mount frame) removed