2429008 - 1020B10 cover of timing system with chain drive - r + r replace oil seal and gasket

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp.Make sure that the ignition key is in the OFF position; then disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal.

-Battery  A1B 
Drain the air conditioner coolant circuit  - 0010T84  coolant for air conditioning system dehydrate and recharge . 1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the air flow meter.

1Air flow meter  K41 
2. Loosen the band and disconnect the the turbocharger air inlet sleeve from the rigid pipe, air flow meter side.
1. Remove the air filter (1a) complete with air flow meter (1b) by releasing from the underlying pins and then from the rear fastenings.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the lower radiator coolant outlet hose from the radiator, radiator side.
Collect the engine coolant in a suitable container.
1. Remove the plug (1a) and, in its place, fit the tool (1b) on the exhaust side camshaft.
Fit the tool positioning it with the references in a horizontal direction and checking that it is correctly inserted in the housing in the camshaft.

2. Fit a suitable (8 mm diameter) pin via the special opening in the gearbox.
Check that the pin is correctly inserted in the housing in the engine flywheel.
1. Undo the bolt (1a) and disconnect the pipe from the expansion valve to the compressor (1b), compressor side.
Seal the disconnected connectors, using suitable plugs, to prevent humidity and impurities from entering the system.
1. Disconnect the quick-release fitting for the coolant return pipe to the engine coolant reservoir.2. Undo the nuts (2a) and move the engine coolant reservoir (2b) sideways.
Position a hydraulic lift under the crankcase sump.1. Undo the nut fixing the air conditioning system pipe mounting bracket to the timing side power unit flexible mounting.2. Undo the nuts (2a) and (2b), then remove the timing side power unit support flexible mounting (2c).
1. Undo the bolts fixing the air conditioning pipe mounting brackets to the timing side rigid engine support.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the timing side rigid engine support (1b) complete with engine lifting bracket (1c).
1. Fit the tool (1a), complete with support mountings (1b).


1bSupport mountings1.870.650.000
2. Fit the tools (2a) and (2b), then connect them using links (2c) to the brackets on the engine.


2aVertical support1.871.001.300
Remove the hydraulic lift from underneath the crankcase sump. Proceed with removal  - 4450B04  right front wheel r r . Proceed with removal  - 7055B66  Engine compartment DUST SHIELD protection in right front wheel arch - R.R. . Proceed with removal  - 7055B91  Right front WHEEL ARCH LINER - R.R. . Proceed with removal  - 1092G10  single engine belt r r . Proceed with removal  - 1092A10  Crankshaft services PULLEY - R.R. . 1. Using tools (1a) and (1b) for counter-torque, undo the left hand bolt (1c) fixing the pulley support flange to the crankshaft.


1bSupport for counter-torque1.860.831.000
2. Remove the pulley flange on the crankshaft.
1. Undo the bolt (1a) and remove the single drive belt tensioner (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the water pump (1b) complete with gasket.
Proceed with removal . Proceed with removal  - 2110A60  manual gearbox/engine coupling bracket - r+r . Proceed with removal  - 1020A20  crank case oil sump - r + r clean seals for sealant application . 1. Release the electrical wiring (1a) from the bands (1b).2. Undo the bolt (2a) and disconnect the connector (2b) for the engine oil vapour recovery pipe from the timing cover with the chain drive.3. Undo the upper bolts fixing the timing cover with the chain drive.4. Recover the brackets.
1. Undo the lower bolts (1a) and the nuts (1b) fixing the chain drive timing cover. 2. Remove the chain drive timing cover (2a), complete with engine oil suction unit (2b) and engine oil pump.3. Remove the chain drive timing cover gasket.
1. At the bench, undo the bolts (1a) and separate the engine oil intake (1b), complete with gasket (1c) from the chain drive timing cover.
1. Remove the crankshaft front oil seal from the chain drive timing cover.
Take care not to damage the oil seal seat during removal.
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Place the chain drive timing cover in position with a new crankshaft front oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.860.878.000
Place the engine oil intake complete with gasket in its housing in the chain drive timing cover and secure it using the bolts.1. Place a new chain drive timing cover gasket in position.2. Fit the tool on the chain drive timing cover.

3. Place the chain drive timing cover (3a), complete with engine oil suction unit (3b) and engine oil pump, in position, then secure it temporarily using the bolt (3c). 4. Tighten the chain drive timing cover fixing nuts and bolts to the recommended torque.

4BoltTIMING COVERM60.8 ÷ 1.0

4NutTIMING COVERM60.8 ÷ 1.0
Undo the bolt and remove the tool from the chain drive timing cover.

Connect the connector for the engine oil vapour recovery pipe to the chain drive timing cover and tighten the bolts.
Make sure that the O-Ring is correctly positioned.
Fix the electrical wiring using the bands. Proceed with refitting  - 1020A20  crank case oil sump - r + r clean seals for sealant application . Proceed with refitting  - 2110A60  manual gearbox/engine coupling bracket - r+r . 1. Place the water pump (1a), complete with gasket, back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bNutCOOLANT PUMPM6(Upper engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Place the engine components single drive belt moving tensioner (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltSINGLE SERVICES MOBILE BELT TENSIONERM10(Upper engine crankcase side) 4.5 ÷ 5.5
1. Place the pulley support flange in position on the crankshaft (1a) and tighten the left hand bolt (1b) to the recommended torque using tools (1c) and (1d) for counter-torque.

1bLeft hand thread boltPULLEY SUPPORT FLANGE ON CRANKSHAFTM14(Crankshaft side) 21.9 ÷ 24.2


1dSupport for counter-torque1.860.831.000
Proceed with refitting  - 1092A10  Crankshaft services PULLEY - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 1092G10  single engine belt r r . Proceed with refitting  - 7055B91  Right front WHEEL ARCH LINER - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 7055B66  Engine compartment DUST SHIELD protection in right front wheel arch - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 4450B04  right front wheel r r . Position the hydraulic lift under the crankcase sump.Remove the safety tools used for supporting the power unit.


-Vertical support1.871.001.300


-Support mountings1.870.650.000
1. Place the timing side rigid engine support (1a), complete with engine lifting bracket (1b), in position and secure it tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1cBoltENGINE MOUNT TIMING SIDEM10(Engine crankcase side) 5.7 ÷ 6.3
Tighten the bolts fixing the air conditioning pipe mounting brackets to the timing side rigid engine support.1. Place the timing side power unit support flexible mounting (1a) in position and secure it tightening the nuts (1b) and (1c) to the recommended torque.

1bNutFRONT RUBBER MOUNTSM10(Rigid support side) 4.5 ÷ 5.5

1cNutFRONT RUBBER MOUNTSM10(Bodyshell side) 4.1 ÷ 5.0
2. Tighten the nut fixing the air conditioning system pipe mounting bracket to the timing side power unit flexible mounting.
Remove the hydraulic lift from underneath the crankcase sump.Refit the coolant reservoir in its seating and secure with its bolts.Connect the quick-release fitting on the coolant return pipe to the engine coolant reservoir.1. Connect the pipe from the evaporator pipe connector to the compressor (1a), compressor side and fix it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.
Replace the O-Ring seals for the connectors using green coloured seals only, resistant to R134A refrigerant fluid.Lubricate the thread of the connectors using anti-freeze.

1bNutEXPANSION VALVE - COMPRESSOR PIPEM6(Compressor side) 0.7 ÷ 1.1
Remove the pin from the hole on the gearbox.Remove the tool for timing the exhaust side camshaft and tighten the plug.

Connect the lower coolant outlet hose from the radiator, radiator side, and tighten the band.Replace the air filter, complete with air flow meter, in its housing.Connect the air intake sleeve to the turbocharger, air flow meter side, and tighten the band.Connect the electrical connection to the air flow meter.Connect the negative (-) battery terminal. Refill the engine oil lubrication system  - 0010T11  engine oil check level and top up . Refill the engine cooling system with coolant  - 0010T20  coolant change . Fill the air conditioner coolant circuit  - 0010T84  coolant for air conditioning system dehydrate and recharge . Proceed with refitting . Remove the car from the ramps.