2429052 - 1060G38 brake pedal switch - r r

Removing ( Refitting ) Ensure that the ignition key is in OFF position, then disconnect the battery negative terminal (-).

-Battery  A1B 
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the switch on the brake pedal.

1Brake pedal switch  I30 
2. Rotate and remove the switch on the brake pedal.
Refitting ( Removing ) Press the brake pedal, then refit the brake pedal switch and turn clockwise/anticlockwise until the retainer tooth can be heard clicking into the seat on the bracket. Release the brake pedal and pull back until the brake servo rod is fully released.
This operation must be conducted carefully because if the switch is not correctly retracted it could keep the brake pedal in an advanced position with the risk of residual torque at the wheels which could cause damage to the brake system.
Check there is clearance between the end of the switch and the contact plate on the brake pedal.Connect the electrical connection to the switch on the brake pedal.Place the lower reinforcement in its housing on the underdashboard crossmember and fasten it using the bolts.Connect the negative (-) battery terminal.Check that the brake lights are off with the brake pedal released in the rest position.