2429115 - 2110D53 left hand flange on differential - r+r

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp. Proceed with removal  - 4450B02  left front wheel r r . 1. Unod the bolts fixing the left driveshaft to the differential internal driveshaft.2. Undo the top bolt (2a) and loosen the bottom bolt (2b) securing the front left steering knuckle to the front shock absorber.Move the left drive shaft away from the differential internal drive shaft and secure it as appropriate.
Proceed with removal  - 2110D52  l/h flange on differential - r + r with drive shaft removed . Refitting ( Removing ) Proceed with refitting  - 2110D52  l/h flange on differential - r + r with drive shaft removed . Connect the left drive shaft to the differential inner drive shaft.1. Tighten the bolts fixing the left front hub steering knuckle to the front shock absorber to the recommended torque.

1BoltFRONT HUB STEERING KNUCKLE.M10(Shock absorber side) 7.1 ÷ 7.9
2. Tighten the bolts fixing the left driveshaft to the left differential internal driveshaft to the recommended torque.

2BoltFRONT DRIVE SHAFT COMPLETE WITH JOINTSM8(Differential internal driveshaft side) 3.6 ÷ 4.4
Proceed with refitting  - 4450B02  left front wheel r r . Refill the manual gearbox and differential  - 0010T41  MANUAL GEARBOX OIL - Check level and top up, if necessary . Remove the car from the ramps.