2429178 - 3330D24 vacuum pipe for brake servo - r+r

Removing ( Refitting ) .
The vacuum pipe and brake servo one-way valve are supplied as a single component from Parts and cannot be broken down individually.
Proceed with removal  - 5530B10  battery - r+r . 1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the air flow meter.

1Air flow meter  K41 
2. Loosen the band and disconnect the the turbocharger air inlet sleeve from the rigid pipe, air flow meter side.
1. Remove the air filter (1a) complete with air flow meter (1b) by releasing from the underlying pins and then from the rear fastenings.
1. Disconnect the brake servo single-acting valve from the brake servo.
1. Disconnect the vacuum pipe for the brake servo from the vacuum unit.2. Remove the vacuum pipe (2a) with one-way valve by releasing from fastening (2b).
Refitting ( Removing ) Refit the brake servo single-acting valve and vacuum pipe. Connect the vacuum pipe for the brake servo to the vacuum unit.Connect the brake servo one-way valve to the brake servo.Replace the air filter, complete with air flow meter, in its housing.Connect the air intake sleeve to the turbocharger, air flow meter side, and tighten the band.Connect the electrical connection to the air flow meter. Proceed with refitting  - 5530B10  battery - r+r .