2429247 - 4420D20 rear suspension axle -replace- includes r+r, check, parts transfer and bleeding

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp. Proceed with removal  - 7040L22  REAR TRIM on TUNNEL -R.R. . 1. Loosen the handbrake cable adjustment nut.
Proceed with removal  - 4420A48  rear suspension coil springs- r r . Proceed with removal  - 4450B13  rear wheels(2) r r . 1. Remove the protective covers (1a) and disconnect the handbrake cables (1b) from the attachments on the shoes.
Remove the protective cap from the bleed screw for the rear brake cylinder.Connect the collection system (pipe and reservoir) to the rear brake cylinder bleed valve.Loosen the bleed valve on the rear brake cylinder.Wait for the system to drain.1. Undo the connector (1a) and disconnect the rigid pipe from the connector to the rear brakes (1b), flexible pipe side, using the tool (1c).

1cBox wrench for brake fittings1.856.132.000
2. Release the handbrake cables from the fastenings on the rear suspension axle.
1. Support the rear suspension axle using a hydraulic jack (1a) fitted with tool (1b).

2. Undo the bolts fixing the rear suspension axle to the bodyshell.3. Slowly lower the hydraulic jack and remove the rear suspension axle assembly.
Position the rear suspension axle assembly on a special workbench.1. Remove the retaining clips.2. Undo the connectors (2a) and remove the intermediate rear flexible brake pipes (2b).3. Undo the nuts (3a) and remove the rear brake assemblies (3b), complete with rigid pipes to the rear brake cylinders (3c).4. Remove the rear suspension end of travel buffers.5. Undo the lower bolts (5a) and remove the rear suspension shock absorbers (5b).6. Undo the bolts (6a) and remove the rear suspension axle supports (6b).
Refitting ( Removing ) .
Before refitting the rear suspension axle, check that there are no cracks or distortions. If this is the case, replace it.
1. Place the rear suspension axle supports (1a) in their housings and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltREAR SUSPENSION AXLE SUPPORTSM12(Axle side) 8.6 ÷ 9.5
2. Place the rear suspension shock absorbers (2a) back in their housings and secure using tightening the lower bolts (2b) to the recommended torque.

2bBoltREAR DAMPERM12(Axle side) 9.5 ÷ 10.5
3. Place the rear suspension end of travel buffers in their housings.4. Place the rear brake assemblies (4a), complete with rear brake cylinder rigid pipes (4b), back in their housings and secure them tightening the nuts (4c) to the recommended torque.

4cNutREAR KNUCKLEM10(Axle side) 5.4 ÷ 6.6
5. Place the rear brake intermediate flexible pipes (5a) in their housings and tighten the connectors (5b) to the recommended torque using the tool.

5bConnectorRIGID PIPE REAR CYLINDERS (ABS)-(Flexible pipe side) 1.4 ÷ 1.8

-Box wrench for brake fittings1.856.132.000
6. Refit the retaining clips in their seats.
1. Place the rear suspension axle (1a) in its housing using a hydraulic jack (1b) fitted with tool (1c).

2. Tighten the bolts fixing the rear suspension axle to the bodyshell to the recommended torque.

2BoltREAR SUSPENSION AXLE SUPPORTSM10(Bodyshell side) 5.4 ÷ 6.6
Remove the hydraulic jack and tool used for supporting the rear suspension axle. 1. Secure the handbrake cables to the fastenings on the rear suspension axle.2. Connect the rigid pipe to the rear brake connector (2a), flexible pipe side and tighten the connector (2b) to the recommended torque using the tool (2c).

2bConnectorRIGID PIPE REAR CYLINDERS (ABS)-(Flexible pipe side) 1.4 ÷ 1.8

2cBox wrench for brake fittings1.856.132.000
Connect the handbrake cables to the attachments on the shoes.Place the protective covers in their housings. Proceed with refitting  - 4450B13  rear wheels(2) r r . Proceed with refitting  - 4420A48  rear suspension coil springs- r r . Proceed with refitting  - 0010T64  brake and or clutch fluid check level and top up as necessary . Proceed with refitting  - 0010T65  hydraulic brake system bleed air . Proceed with refitting  - 3380A04  handbrake - check travel . Proceed with refitting  - 7040L22  REAR TRIM on TUNNEL -R.R. . Remove the car from the ramps.