2429489 - 7005C17 block for front side door lock r r with door panel removed

Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Release the cover from the opening.2. Working via the opening (2a), loosen the inner bolt (2b) until the lock barrel assembly (2c) can be released.
1. Remove the trim (1a) releasing the retainers (1b).2. Remove the cylinder retaining clip.3. Insert the key (3a) into the cylinder (3b) and extract it by pressing the retainer (3c).
Refitting ( Removing ) Check that the key cylinder is not damaged.1. Fit the cylinder and key (1a) in place, keeping the retainer (1b) pressed.2. Fit the retaining spring.
Extract the key and fit the trim using the retainers.Position the lock barrel, tighten the bolt and refit the cover.