2429746 - 1004E20 engine - dismantle and re-build following operation 1004e10 - wash and check dismantled parts - re-fit cylinder head and oil sump - does not include repairs to cylinder head and auxiliary unit

Dismantling ( Reassembling ) 1. Undo the bolt (1a) and remove the rpm sensor (1b).2. Undo the bolts(2a) and remove the water pump rigid inlet pipe (2b) complete with O-ring (2c).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the engine oil filter mounting (1b), complete with engine oil filter (1c), engine oil heat exchanger (1d) and engine oil filler (1e). Remove the gasket.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the air conditioning compressor (2b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the air conditioning compressor support (1b).
1. Undo the connectors (1a) and remove the engine oil pipe (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the alternato (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the alternator mounting (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the engine oil recovery manifold (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the starter motor (2b).
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Undo the lower crankcase fixing bolts.2. Cut the lower crankcase sealant using the tool.

3. Remove the lower crankcase.Remove the lower main journal half-bearings.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod caps (1b).2. Remove the lower big end half-bearings.3. Remove the connecting rod-piston assemblies.4. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearings.
1. Check that the crankshaft end float is within the recommended values using a magnetic base fitted with a dial gauge.

1End float (mm)0.055 ÷ 0.265
If the end float of the crankshaft is not within the recommended values, when refitting, reface the seat in the cylinder block/crankcase and use suitable oversize thrust washers.
1. Remove the crankshaft (1a) complete with rear oil seal (1b).2. Remove the upper main journal half-bearings.
The centre half-bearing is joined to the thrust washers; to separate them, press the ends of the half-bearing.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the engine oil pump jets (1b).2. Remove the lower crankcase centering bushes.
Support the upper crankcase using a suitable tool.Undo the fixing bolts and separate the upper crankcase from the plate for the overhaul stand.Position the upper crankcase on a suitable workbench. Proceed with removal  - 1028H60  piston, pin set - replace . Proceed with removal  - 1084B18  engine oil pump, removed - check at bench . Drill and remove the water/oil sealing plugs from the crankcase to allow washing of the channels. Reassembling ( Dismantling ) Clean any sealant residues from the matching surfaces between: camshaft housing/lower cylinder head, upper crankcase/lower crankcase and lower crankcase/crankcase sump. Clean the components removed thoroughly and check their condition through a visual inspection.Fit the water/oil sealing plugs in the crankcase, using suitable fitting tools.Lubricate all the components for the mechanical couplings using engine oil.1. Measure the diameter of the cylinder liners/bores following the diagram illustrated.

1Cylinder bore diameter (mm)Category B69.610 ÷ 69.620
Category C69.620 ÷ 69.630
Class A69.600 ÷ 69.610
Check that the conicity of the cylinder liners/bores is within the recommended values.

-Cylinder bore taper (mm)< 0.010
Check that the ovality of the cylinder liners is within the recommended values.

-Cylinder bore ovalization (mm)± 0.005
If the diameter of the cylinder liners/bores is not within the recommended values, ream the cylinder liners/bores in accordance with the recommended oversizes.
In the case of reaming, all liners/bores must be the same oversize.

-Cylinder liner oversize (mm)0.1
Using a suitable support tool, place the upper crankcase on the overhaul stand.Place the lower crankcase centering bushes in their housings.Temporarily fit the lower crankcase on the upper crankcase.1. Tighten the centre bolts (1a) fixing the lower crankcase to the recommended torque following the order illustrated in the diagram and using the angular tightening tool (1b).

1aCentre boltCRANK CASEM10(Engine crankcase side) 1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 80? ± 3?

2. Tighten the side bolts fixing the lower crankcase to the recommended torque following the order illustrated in the diagram.

2Centre boltCRANK CASEM8(Engine crankcase side) 2.9 ÷ 3.2
3. Check that the diameter of the main journal seats (without the half-bearings fitted) corresponds to the recommended values.

3Main bearing seat diameter (mm)Category B54.714 ÷ 54.718
Category C54.718 ÷ 54.722
Classe A54.710 ÷ 54.714
Check that the crankshaft lubrication ducts are free from any impurities.Check that the diameter of the main journals is within the recommended values.

-Main bearing journal diameter (mm)Category B50.988 ÷ 50.994
Category C50.982 ÷ 50.988
Class A50.994 ÷ 51.000
If the diameter of the main journals is not within the recommended values, regrind them in accordance with the recommended undersize.

-Main bearing journal undersize (mm)0.127
Undersizes for bearings above the value mentioned adversely affect the structural resistance of the crankshaft (as a result of contact between the tool and the connectors). As far as the above is concerned, if the regrinding requires undersizes above 0.127 mm, the crankshaft must be replaced with a new one ordered from the Parts Dept. The half-bearings used for undersizes above 0.127 mm should no longer be requested from the Parts Dept. (even if the number is still shown).
Check that the diameter of the crankpins is within the recommended values.

-Crankpin diameter (mm)Category B42.582 ÷ 42.591
Class A42.591 ÷ 42.600
If the diameter of the crankpins is not within the recommended values, regrind them in accordance with the recommended undersize.

-Crankpin undersize (mm)0.127
Undersizes for big end bearings above the value mentioned adversely affect the structural strength of the crankshaft (as a result of contact between the tool and the connectors). As far as the above is concerned, if the regrinding requires undersizes above 0.127 mm, the crankshaft must be replaced with a new one ordered from the Parts Dept. The half-bearings used for undersizes above 0.127 mm should no longer be requested from the Parts Dept. (even if the number is still shown).
Check the crankshaft bearings, taking into account that no adjustment operations should be carried out to the half-bearings; If there are signs of grooves or seizing, they must be replaced. Record the main bearing half thickness.

-Half-bearing thickness (mm)Category B1.841 ÷ 1.846
Category C1.846 ÷ 1.851
Class A1.836 ÷ 1.841
Record the main bearing half thickness.

-Connecting rod half bearing thickness (mm)Category B1.550 ÷ 1.556
Class A1.546 ÷ 1.552
Place the upper half-bearings back in their housings, making sure they are perfectly clean.
In order to produce smaller clearances, different grade half-bearings can be fitted on the same bearing. Following the fitting instructions given below for the above case. Fit the larger half-bearing on the main journal cap and the smaller one on the crankcase.
If the crankshaft has been reground, fit the new and oversize half-bearings to restore the original tolerance conditions. The centre main journal half-bearing incorporates the thrust washers.
The value of the thrust washers is given.

-Thrust washers (mm)2.310 ÷ 2.360
The thrust washer undersize is 0.127 mm.
Fit the crankshaft in the housing in the upper cylinder block/crankcase.1. Fit the calibrated wire (Plastigage) to measure the main journal clearance.
1. Place the lower crankcase, complete with lower main journal half-bearings, back in its housing.2. Tighten the centre bolts (2a) fixing the lower crankcase to the recommended torque, following the order illustrated in the diagram and using the angular tightening tool (2b).

2aCentre boltCRANK CASEM10(Engine crankcase side) 1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 80? ± 3?

3. Tighten the side bolts fixing the lower crankcase to the recommended torque following the order illustrated in the diagram.

3Centre boltCRANK CASEM8(Engine crankcase side) 2.9 ÷ 3.2
1. Remove the lower crankcase complete with lower main journal half-bearings and, using a suitable graduated measuring instrument (1a), measure the clearance shown by the calibrated wire (1b).
Check one journal at a time without moving the crankshaft.

1bClearance between crankshaft bearings - main journals (mm)0.028 ÷ 0.048
If the reading is not within the specified range, replace the main bearing halves with new bearing halves of appropriate size and category.
1. After having carried out the check on all the main journals, apply a bead of recommended silicon sealant to the contact surface of the lower crankcase and the upper crankcase as illustrated in the diagram.
No breaks are allowed in the sealant strip. The diameter of the sealant bead should be 2.5 - 3.5 mm.

1Silicon sealantCRANK CASELoctite type 5900-
After applying the sealant, clean the crankshaft rear oil seal housing thoroughly.
Proceed with the final fitting of the lower crankcase on the upper crankcase, tightening the fixing bolts following the previous instructions.Check that the inner diameter of the small end bushes is within the recommended limits; if this is not the case, replace the connecting rod assembly.

-Inner diameter (mm)23.006 ÷ 23.012
Check that the diameter of the gudgeon pin housing in the piston is within the recommended values.

-Gudgeon pin housing diameter (mm)22.990 ÷ 22.996
If the diameter of the gudgeon pin housing does not correspond to the recommeded values, replace the piston complete with gudgeon pin and piston rings.Check that the outer diameter of the piston gudgeon pins is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the worn gudgeon pins.

-Outer diameter (mm)22.982 ÷ 22.987
Fit the seals in the cylinder liner/bore and check that the opening between the ends is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the piston seals.

-Opening (mm)1° seal0.20 ÷ 0.30
2° seal1.0 ÷ 1.5

-Opening (mm)Oil scraper ring0.25 - 0.50
Check that the outer diameter of the pistons is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the piston complete with rings and gudgeon pin.

-Outer diameter (mm)Category B69.530 ÷ 69.540
Category C69.540 ÷ 69.550
Class A69.520 ÷ 69.530
The measurement should be made perpendicular to the gudgeon pin axis, 12 mm from the skirt lower edge.
Check that the end float between the first ring and the groove in the piston is within the recommended limits.

-Endfloat, 1° seal (mm)0.09 ÷ 0.13
1. Check that the end float (1a) between the second piston ring (1b) and the groove in the piston (1c) is within the recommended limits.

1aEndfloat, 2° ring (mm)0.04 ÷ 0.08
Check that the end float between the oil scraper ring and the groove in the piston is within the recommended limits.

-End float (mm)0.030 ÷ 0.070
1. Fit the caps (1b) on the connecting rods (1a) and fix them tightening the bolts (1c) to torque.
The connecting rods are the pre-set fracture type and are available as spares already fractured together with the cap fixing bolts; connecting rod caps are not interchangeable because the profile of the fracture is completely different from one component to another.

1cBoltBIG END BEARING CAPSM81.9 ÷ 2.1 + 40? ± 2?
Use the tool for angular tightening of the connecting rod cap bolts.

2. Check that the diameter of the big end (without the half-bearings fitted) is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the connecting rods.

2Big end diameter (mm)45.734 ÷ 45.744
Proceed with refitting  - 1028H60  piston, pin set - replace . Proceed with refitting  - 1084B18  engine oil pump, removed - check at bench . Check that there are no signs of seizing on the flywheel ring gear teeth; if this is not the case, replace it.Place the engine oil jets in their housings and secure them tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
The bolts fixing the engine oil jets are pretreated with a locking agent, therefore they should be replaced each time they are refitted.

-BoltPISTON COOLING NOZZLESM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Fit the tool.

Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously.The piston-connecting rod assemblies are fitted according to the following references.1. Piston category (1a) and arrow (1b) indicating timing side.2. Area where number of cylinder bore/liner to which the connecting rod belongs is stamped.3. Drain (3b) on the piston skirt must be aligned with oil spray (3b).
1. Place the connecting rod-piston assemblies (1a) complete with upper connecting rod half-bearings using the tool (1b) back in their housings.

The big end bearing shells can be identified as follows:

  • upper big end bearing shells, dark coloured three metal connecting rod side;
  • lower big end bearing shells, light coloured two metal cap side with an opening.
Do not swap the position of the big end bearing shells.
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Fit the calibrated wire (Plastigage) to measure the big end bearing clearance.
1. Place the big end caps (1a) complete with half-bearings (1b) back in their housings.

The big end bearing shells can be identified as follows:

  • upper big end bearing shells, dark coloured three metal connecting rod side;
  • lower big end bearing shells, light coloured two metal cap side with an opening.
Do not swap the position of the big end bearing shells.
2. Tighten the bolts (2a) fixing the connecting rod caps to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (2b).

2aBoltBIG END BEARING CAPSM81.9 ÷ 2.1 + 40? ± 2?

Undo the bolts and remove the connecting rod caps complete with half-bearings fitted previously.1. Using a suitable graduate measuring instrument (1a), measure the clearance shown by the calibrated wire (1b).
Check one journal at a time without moving the crankshaft.

1bBig end bearings (mm)0.030 ÷ 0.062
If the reading is not within the specified range, replace the half-bearings with new ones of the appropriate size and grade.
Proceed with the final fitting of the connecting rod caps tightening the fixing bolts following the previous instructions.Remove the tool.

1. Refit a new front crankshaft rear cover oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.870.900.200
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Place the starter motor (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1b-STARTER MOTORM8(Engine crankcase side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
2. Place the separator condensed oil manifold (2a) back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (2b) to the recommended torque.

2bBoltENGINE OIL COLLECTION MANIFOLDM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Place the alternator mounting (1a) back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltALTERNATOR SUPPORTM8(Engine crankcase side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
1. Place the alternator(1a) back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltALTERNATOR ASSEMBLYM8(Support side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
Place the engine oil pipe back in its housing and fix it using the connectors.1. Place the air conditioning compressor mounting (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltCOMPRESSOR MOUNT (AC)M8(Upper and lower engine crankcase side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
1. Place the air conditioning compressor (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

2. Place the engine oil filter mounting (2a), complete with engine oil filter (2b) and engine oil filler (2c) back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (2d) to the recommended torque.
Make sure that the gasket is correctly fitted and in good condition.

2dBoltOIL FILTER MOUNTM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Place the water pump rigid inlet pipe (1a), complete with O-Rings (1b), back in its housing and fix it using the bolt (1c).
Fit the rigid pipe in the crankcase taking great care to ensure that the O-Ring is correctly positioned.
2. Place the rpm sensor (2a) back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolt (2b) to the recommended torque.

2bBoltENGINE RPM SENSORM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Measure the projection of the pistons at two points at 180° on the gudgeon pin axis using the tool and take the average of the two figures measured for each piston.

1Dial gauge mounting1.870.404.001
Select the correct size cylinder head gasket, according to the maximum value of the averages of the projection for each individual piston.

-Gasket size (no opening) (mm)0.67 ÷ 0.77
Maximum average piston projection (mm)0.028 ÷ 0.127

-Gasket size (one opening) (mm)0.77 ÷ 0.87
Maximum average piston projection (mm)0.128 ÷ 0.227

-Gasket size (two openings) (mm)0.87 ÷ 0.97
Maximum average piston projection (mm)0.228 ÷ 0.327
1. Fit the crankshaft timing tool.

1. Make sure that the bushes for locating the lower cylinder head on the cylinder block are present.2. Place the new cylinder head gasket selected in its housing.3. Position the cylinder head assembly on the crankcase.4. Tighten the cylinder head bolts to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool.
Follow the order shown in the diagram for each tightening sequence. The nominal tightening of 4.0 daNm is carried out in two stages: one tightening stage of 2.0 daNm followed by a further tightening of 2.0 daNm.

4BoltCYLINDER HEADM10(Engine crankcase side) 3.8 ÷ 4.2 + 90? + 90 ?

Check the cylinder head - cylinder block/crankcase alignment.
The cylinder block/crankcase only is allowed to project.

-Cylinder head-cylinder block/crankcase non alignment (mm)0.1
Connect the condensed engine oil recovery pipe, oil vapour separator side and tighten the band.Tighten the bolt fixing the water/exhaust gas heat exchanger for the E.G.R. system to the cylinder block/crankcase.1. If this has not already been done during the overhaul of the cylinder head, remove the plugs (1a) and fit the camshaft timing tools (1b) on the upper cylinder head.
Fit the tool positioning it with the millings in a horizontal position and checking that it is correctly inserted in the housings in the camshafts.

Remove the inlet side camshaft timing tool and tighten the plug.
1. Place the camshaft housing assembly (1a), complete with gasket (1b), back in its housing.
1. Tighten the bolts fixing the single camshaft housing M8 (1a) to a pre-torque of 1.5 daNm and M7 (1b) to a pre-torque of 1.2 daNm.2. Tighten the bolts (2a) and (2b) fixing the single camshaft housing to the recommended torque.
Follow the order shown in the diagram for each tightening sequence.

2aBoltCYLINDER HEAD EXTENSIONM8(Lower cylinder head side) 2.5

2bBoltCYLINDER HEAD EXTENSIONM7(Lower cylinder head side) 1.8
Check the camshaft housing - cylinder head alignment.
The camshaft housing only may project.

-Upper cylinder head - cylinder head misalignment (mm)0.1
Place the new injector dust seals in their housings in the camshaft housing.1. Place the injectors (1a), complete with brackets (1b), in their seats.
Before refitting, replace the copper seal on the injectors.
2. Refit in their seatings the tapered washer (2a) and washer (2b).3. atighten the nut fixing the injector mounting bracket to the recommended torque.

3NutINJECTORS(DIESEL)M8(Cylinder head side) 1.8 ÷ 2.2
Using a suitable tool (e.g. a vice) prepare the belt tensioner and keep it fully retracted using a suitable retaining pin.1. Place the belt tensioner (1a) back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltMOBILE TIMING TENSIONERM6(Cylinder head side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Place the timing chain fixed plate (1a) back in its housing and secure it using the bolts (1b). 2. Fit the exhaust side timing drive pulley (2a) back in its housing together with the chain (2b) and the tooghted drive pulley (2c).
Fit the exhaust side camshaft toothed pulley and the toothed drive pulley in the same position as when they were removed; If the pulleys are replaced, fit them with the writing turned to the outside.
3. Place the timing chain moving plate (3a) in its housing and secure it using the pin (3b).
1. Tighten the exhaust side camshaft toothed drive pulley fixing bolt to the recommended torque.

1BoltTIMING DUCT PULLEYM12(Exhaust camshaft side) 10.8 ÷ 13.2
Remove the chain tensioner retaining pin and check that the piston is in contact with the moving plate.1. Place the mounting brcket (1a), complete with single fuel manifold pipe (1b), fuel pressure regulator (1c) and fuel pressure sensor (1d) back in its housing and fasten it using the bolts (1e). 2. Connect the return pipe from the pressure pump to the fuel manifold, pressure pump side and tighten the band.3. Fit the new pipes from the fuel manifold to the injectors and secure them using the connectors without tightening them.4. Tighten the connectors for the pipes from the fuel manifold to the injectors, injector side, to the recommended torque using a suitable spanner.

4ConnectorFUEL MANIFOLD LINE TO INJECTORSM12(Injector side) 2.3 ÷ 2.5
5. Tighten the connectors for the pipes between the fuel manifold and the injectors, fuel manifold side to the recommended torque using a suitable spanner.

5ConnectorFUEL MANIFOLD LINE TO INJECTORSM14(Fuel manifold side) 2.7 ÷ 2.9
Clean the threaded seats for the above-mentioned pipe on the manifold and the injectors using heptane.
6. Place the pipe from the pressure pump to the single fuel manifold back in its housing and fix it using the connectors without tightening them.7. Tighten the connector for the pipe from the pressure pump to the single fuel manifold, pump side, to the recommended torque using a suitable spanner.

7ConnectorPRESSURE PUMP LINE TO FUEL MANIFOLDM12(Pressure pump side) 2.3 ÷ 2.5
8. Tighten the connector for the pipe from the pressure pump to the single fuel manifold, fuel manifold side, to the recommended torque using a suitable spanner.

8ConnectorPRESSURE PUMP LINE TO FUEL MANIFOLDM14(Fuel manifold side) 2.7 ÷ 2.9
9. Connect the injector fuel outlet pipe (9a), injector side pushing it until the clips (9b) can be heard clicking into place.
Place the timing cover gasket in position.1. Fit the tool on the timing cover.

2. Place the timing cover (2a), complete with engine oil suction unit (2b), and engine oil pump in position, then secure it by tightening the bolts (2c) to the recommended torque.

Connect the engine oil vapour recirculation pipe connector to the timing cover and tighten the bolts.
Make sure that the O-Ring is correctly positioned.
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.Place the crankcase oil sump partition back in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Apply a bead of recommended silicon sealant to the contact surfaces of the crankcase sump and the lower engine crankcase as illustrated in the diagram below.
No breaks are allowed in the sealant strip. The diameter of the sealant bead should be 3.5 0.5 mm.

1. Place the crankcase sump (1a) back in its housing and secure it by tightening the bolts (1b) and the nuts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltOIL SUMPM6(Lower engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0

1cNutOIL SUMPM6(Timing cover side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
2. Place the bracket (2a) in position and secure it tightening the bolts (2b) to the recommended torque.

2bBoltGEARBOX/ENGINE COUPLING BRACKETM8(Lower engine crankcase side) 2.7 ÷ 3.3
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.Place the engine oil dipstick tube in its seating and fix it using the bolt.Refit the intermediate drive shaft support in its seating and tighten the bolts to the specified torque.

-BoltFRONT DRIVE SHAFT BEARING MOUNTM8(Lower engine crankcase side) 2.0 ÷ 2.4
Remove the tool.

1. Place the crankshaft pulley support flange (1a) in its housing and secure it without tightening the left hand bolt (1b).
1. Place the water pump (1a), complete with gasket, back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bNutCOOLANT PUMPM6(Upper engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
2. Place the crankshaft pulley (2a) back in its housing and secure it without tightening the bolts (2b).3. Place the engine components single drive belt moving tensioner (3a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolt (3b) to the recommended torque.

3bBoltSINGLE SERVICES MOBILE BELT TENSIONERM10(Upper engine crankcase side) 4.5 ÷ 5.5
Adjust the moving tensioner and fit the engine components single drive belt using a spanner.1. Place the timing side rigid engine support (1a), complete with engine lifting bracket (1b), in position and secure it tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1cBoltENGINE MOUNT TIMING SIDEM10(Upper engine crankcase side) 5.7 ÷ 6.3
1. Place the turbocharger (1a), complete with catalytic converter (1b), back in its housing and secure it tightening the nuts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1cNutTURBOCHARGERM8(Exhaust manifold side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
Fit the hose carrying coolant to the engine oil heat exchanger complete with gasket and secure using the band and bolts.
Fold back the gasket tabs
Tighten the bolt fixing the coolant supply pipe to the engine oil heat exchanger to the cylinder block/crankcase.Place the exhaust manifold heat shield, complete with engine lifting bracket, back in its housing and fix it using the nut and the bolts.1. Connect the engine oil supply pipe to the turbocharger (1a) and secure by tightening the connectors (1b) to the recommended torque.
Replace the copper washers for the connectors.

1bConnectorOIL DELIVERY PIPE TO TURBOM10(Turbocharger side/oil filter mounting) 1.1 ÷ 1.3
Place a new gasket between the engine block and the turbocharger engine oil return pipe.2. Tighten the bolt fixing the enigne oil return pipe from the turbocharger, engine crankcase side, to the specified torque.

2BoltOIL RETURN PIPE FROM TURBOM6(Turbocharger/engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
Fit the protective plates by the oil filter and the engine oil heat exchanger.
Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and fasten it to the band on the air chamber.Connect the electrical connection to the EGR solenoid.Connect the electrical connection to the fuel pressure regulator.Connect the electrical connection to the excess pressure sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the fuel pressure senor.Refit the electrical wiring in its seating and attach it.Tighten the bolts securing the cable pass to the cylinder head.Connect the electrical connection to the air conditioner compressor electromagnet.Connect the electrical connection to the cam angle sensorConnect the electrical connections to the injectors.Connect the electrical connections to the heater plugs.Connect the electrical connection to the engine oil pressure warning light switch.Connect the electrical connection for the rpm sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the engine coolant temperature sensor.Remove the engine from the overhaul stand .