- 7050A20 one-piece rear seat
cushion - r r1. Fold the cushion over and release the edge (1a) of the cushion
cover from the perimeter retainers (1b). 2. Release the hooks (2a) for the rods for the edge of the cover
from the seats (2b).3. Release the edge of the cushion from the remaining hooks.4. Remove the cover and upholstery (4a) from the frame (4b).
1. If necessary, release the retainers (1a) for the bushes (1b)
and remove the cushion retaining clips (1c).
Check that the frame is not
damaged.If removed, position the retaining clips
and attach the bush retainers.Position the cushion on the upholstery
attaching the edge using the hooks and the retainers. - 7050A20 one-piece rear seat cushion - r r