3237455 - 1008C16 body link bracket - r r

Removing ( Refitting ) Proceed with removal  - 1016A40  ignition coil cover on cylinder head- r+r . Proceed with removal  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r . 1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the upper bracket on the bodyshell for the reaction rod (1b).2. Undo the nuts (2a) and remove the lower bracket on the bodyshell for the reaction rod (2b).
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Fit the lower bracket on the bodyshell for the reaction rod (1a) and fix it tightening the nuts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bNutREACTION LINK ATTACHMENT BRACKETM8(Bodyshell side) 2.2 ÷ 2.6
2. Place the upper bracket on the bodyshell for the reaction rod (2a) back in its housing and secure it by tightening the nuts (2b) to the recommended torque.

2bNutREACTION LINK ATTACHMENT BRACKETM10(Bodyshell side) 4.2 ÷ 5.2
Proceed with refitting  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r . Proceed with refitting  - 1016A40  ignition coil cover on cylinder head- r+r .