3237476 - 1020D38 flywheel side oil seal - replace

Removing ( Refitting ) Proceed with removal  - 5530B10  battery - r+r . Proceed with removal  - 5530B52  Battery DRIP TRAY/SUPPORT - R.R. . Proceed with removal  - 4450B12  front or rear wheels (two) - r+r . Proceed with removal - 7055B90 Left front WHEEL ARCH LINER - R.R. . Proceed with removal  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Proceed with removal  - 7055A43  central front grille - r r . Proceed with removal  - 7055A41  RIGHT FRONT GRILLE - R.R. . Proceed with removal  - 7055B10  Front BUMPER - R.R. . Drain the air conditioner coolant circuit  - 5040A10  Air conditioning refrigerant CIRCUIT - Draining and Refilling . Proceed with removal  - 5040A20  air conditioner compressor - r+r - includes fluid level check and top up if necessary . Proceed with removal  - 5040A26  compressor mount - r r . Proceed with removal  - 1076A48  catalytic converter heat shield - r r . Proceed with removal  - 1080B62  catalytic converter - r + r . Proceed with removal  - 2110A10  manual gearbox and differential - r + r . Proceed with removal  - 1810A24  clutch - r + r with gearbox removed . Proceed with removal  - 1024B22  engine flywheel - r r with clutch or gearbox removed . Proceed with removal  - 1020D40  flywheel end oil seal- r+r with flywheel removed . Refitting ( Removing ) Proceed with refitting  - 1020D40  flywheel end oil seal- r+r with flywheel removed . Proceed with refitting  - 1024B22  engine flywheel - r r with clutch or gearbox removed . Proceed with refitting  - 1810A24  clutch - r + r with gearbox removed . Proceed with refitting  - 2110A10  manual gearbox and differential - r + r . Proceed with refitting  - 1080B62  catalytic converter - r + r . Proceed with refitting  - 1076A48  catalytic converter heat shield - r r . Proceed with refitting  - 5040A26  compressor mount - r r . Proceed with refitting  - 5040A20  air conditioner compressor - r+r - includes fluid level check and top up if necessary . Refill the gearbox/differential using the recommended fluid  - 0010T40  change manual gearbox oil . Proceed with refitting  - 7055B10  Front BUMPER - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 7055A41  RIGHT FRONT GRILLE - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 7055A43  central front grille - r r . Proceed with refitting  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Proceed with refitting - 7055B90 Left front WHEEL ARCH LINER - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 4450B12  front or rear wheels (two) - r+r . Proceed with refitting  - 5530B52  Battery DRIP TRAY/SUPPORT - R.R. . Proceed with refitting  - 5530B10  battery - r+r . Fill the air conditioner coolant circuit  - 5040A10  Air conditioning refrigerant CIRCUIT - Draining and Refilling .