3239062 - 1004E10 engine, removed - remove cylinder head and oil sump for inspection - includes positioning on stand and removal

Proceed with the removal  Refer to op.. 1004D40  engine - position on stand and remove . 1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the ignition coils.

1Ignition coil  A30 
2. Undo nut (2a) and disconnect earth lead (2b) from the cam cover.3. Undo the bolts (3a) and move the cable duct (3b) aside.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the ignition coil (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the tappet cover (1b), complete with seal.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankshaft pulley (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and rmeove the lower timing cover (2b).
1. Loosen the nut for the counter-balance shaft toothed drive belt tensioner.2. Release and remove the counter-balance shaft drive belt.
1. Loosen the nut securing the timing belt mobile tensioner.2. Prise off and remove the timing belt.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the side timing protective cover (1b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the cam angle sensor and release the wiring from the fastening on the modular intake manifold.

1Timing sensor  K47 
1. Undo the nut securing the coolant supply/return pipes to the engine oil heat exchanger.2. Loosen the band and disconnect the connector for the coolant outlet pipe from the engine oil heat exchanger on the water pump rigid inlet pipe side.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the engine oil heat exchanger flexible coolant supply pipe, rigid pipe side.
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the rpm sensor.

1Rpm sensor  K46 
2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the knock sensor.

2Detonation sensor - 1  K50 
3. Disconnect the electrical connection from the engine oil pressure warning light switch.

3Engine oil pressure sensor  K30 
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the cylinder head (1b).2. Remove the cylinder head gasket.
1. Undo the plug and drain the engine oil.
Recover the engine oil in a suitable container.
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Undo the front and rear bolts (1a) securing the crankcase sump using tool (1b).

2. Undo the side bolts (2a) securing the crankcase sump using tool (2b).

3. Cut the crankcase sump sealant using the tool.

4. Remove the crankcase sump.