3239534 - E7051 ROBOTIZED GEARBOX - Functional description (Smart gearbox)

Functional description

The SELESPEED control unit M54 monitors and controls the entire gearbox management system. The control unit is supplied directly by the battery, via the line of the maxifuse O/A located on the battery (connector B99 D ), at pin 27 of connector A of M54 . The supply controlled by the ignition (15/54) reaches pin 28 of connector A of M54 , via the line protected by fuse F4 of supplementary fuse box B98 A. Pins 1 and 2 of connector A of M54 are earthed. A set of sensors and potentiometers on the gearbox informs the control unit of the engaged gear: the potentiometers are supplied from pin 73 of connector B; the gear selection potentiometer K68 returns a signal to pin 51 of connector A; the gear engagement potentiometer K69 returns a signal to pin 39 of connector A; the hydraulic unit oil pressure sensor K96 returns a signal to pin 40 of connector A. The clutch position potentiometer K95 is supplied from pin 79 of connector B and returns a signal to pin 52 of connector A. Pins 38 and 50 of connector A M54 are connected to the car speed sensor (gearbox output) K77 . Pin 36 of connector A is connected to instrument E10 from which it receives the speedometer signal (car speed). Pin 48 of connector A is connected to instrument E15 from which it receives the engine rpm signal. The gear control unit H37 is connected to the control unit M54 to signal the request to engage a gear: these signals are sent to pins 67, 74, 68 of connector B of M54 ; and to pin 26 of connector A to signal the request for gears 1, 2, 3 and D respectively. The selector H39 allows the CITY mode to be selected; it is connected to the M54 control unit at pin 77 of connector B; (the display is also lit up with the side lights on (line coming from steering column switch unit H5 ). The steering wheel controls H38 send - via the clock spring D47 - signals to pin 75 of connector B of M54 . Pin 69 of connector B of M10 receives the signal coming from the brake lights switch I30
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