3237533 - 1056B09 hot film air flow meter (debimeter) r + r

Removing ( Refitting ) Disconnect the battery negative terminal.

-Battery  A1B 
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the intake air temperature sensor.

1Air temperature sensor  K42 
2. Disconnect the electrical connection from the flow meter.

2Air flow meter  K41 
3. Loosen both collars securing the sleeve to the flow meter.
1. Withdraw and remove the flow meter from the sleeve.
Refitting ( Removing ) Position the flow meter in the seats on the sleeve and tighten both retaining collars.Connect the flow meter electrical connection.Connect the electrical connection to the intake air temperature sensor.Connect the battery negative terminal. Removing ( Refitting ) Disconnect the battery negative terminal.

-Battery  A1B 
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the flow meter.

1Air flow meter  K41 
2. Loosen both clips securing the sleeve to the flow meter.3. Withdraw and remove the flow meter from the sleeve.
Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the flow meter in its seats on the sleeve and tighten both retaining collars.Connect the flow meter electrical connection.Connect the battery negative terminal.