3237599 - 1080E41 tank - separator line - r r

Removing ( Refitting ) Disconnect battery negative pole.

-Battery  A1 
1. Unscrew fixing screws (1a) and move fuel vapour tank 1b) away from its seating.
1. Remove clamp (1a) and disconnect pipe (1b) from anti-capsizing valve.
1. Remove plastic guards of fuel delivery pipe and anti-evaportaion system pipe from car lower side.2. Release anti-evaporation system pipe from its clamps.
1. Open baggage trunk, unscrew screws (1a) of baggage retaining hooks, then remove load compartment covering.
 - 7050B18  rear seat arm rest - r+r1. Unscrew fixing nuts of cover protecting fuel pump and move it aside.
 - 3380A44  handbrake/linkage protection - r+rLift hand brake lever, unloose adjustment nut, then lower lever.Lift the car.1. Disconnect hand brake cables (1a) from joining bracket and fasteners on fuel tank.2. Remove exhaust pipe last section (2a) and underlying shield against heat (2b).Place a hydraulic jack under rear suspension cross member and unscrew its screws fixing it to body, lower jack and so cross member till fuel tank is released.Place a hydraulic jack under fuel tank, then unscrew nuts shown by arrows and remove links supporting fuel tank.Lower tank till pipe is released from retaining clamps on tank itself.
Remove R-H front wheel and its shield against dust.1. Disconnect pipe (1a) from can of anti-evaporation system and remove it.
Refitting ( Removing ) Connect anti-evaporation pipe to can.Refit shield against dust and R-H front wheel.Position anti-evaporation pipe back in its seating on tank and fasten it to tankt by means of ad-hoc clamps.Position tank back in its seating and fix it to body, then remove hydraulic jack.Position cross member back in its seating and fasten it to body, then remove hydraulic jack.Refit shield against heat and exhaust pipe rear section.Connect hand brake cables again. Lower the car and adjust hand brake cable. - 3380A44  handbrake/linkage protection - r+rRefit cover protecting fuel pump. - 7050B18  rear seat arm rest - r+rRefit load compartment covering.Fasten anti-evaporation system pipe and refit plastic guards of fuel and anti-evaporation system pipes. Connect anti-evaporation pipe to anti-capsizing valve.Fix fuel vapour tank in its seating.Connect battery negative pole.