Verify that the slide has
no sign of damage or wear.1. Verify that the entrainment pads of the slide are correctly placed
in their seats2. Place the retainer (2a) in its seat (2b) and in this condition
insert the slide (2c) in the guide (2d).
Insert in the sliding slide
the entrainment hose .Couple the entrainment hose to the slide
Reassemble the water unloading terminalApply the polyurethan seal than level
it in order to allow the water passageTighten the posterior fixing screwInsert the race in the guidesConnect the pins of the drainage race1. Working on both guides, place manually the slides (1a) to the
anterior endrun (1b) (open position).
1. Before reassemble the engine connect it to the electric connection
(1a) and let the cam (1b) turn until its "S" points
corrisponds with the microswitch (1c). The rotation shoul take
place in the clockwise direction passing through the "C"