3234746 - E7015 ALARM - Description (Station Wagon)


The intruder alarm system offers volumetric and perimeter protection.

An electronic control unit monitors the following:

  • status of doors, boot and bonnet via switches in the locks (perimeter control)
  • the presence of a moving object inside the passenger compartment, via volumetric sensors. (volumetric control)
  • the condition of the system supply cables (both directly from the battery and those controlled by the ignition)
  • the condition of emergency key supply leads
  • the operation of ignition switch
The control unit is equipped with a self-test function which detects and memorizes faults in the control unit itself and the system components and also checks the condition of the connecting cables.The control unit also memorizes the number of times the alarm is activated and set off.The control unit operating software may be altered to meet regulations governing the use of alarm systems applicable in different markets.The electronic control unit, which also incorporates the siren, is located at the front, under the wheel arch to the left of the engine compartment.The receiver is an electronic device which receives the transmitter signal. It is located in the rear right wing.

It is connected to the control unit via the serial line and directly manages the following functions:

  • it receives, decodes and manages the remote control signals
  • it locks and unlocks the doors
  • it stores the codes of enabled transmitters.
The receiver also has its own autodiagnostic function which detects and memorizes faults in the actual receiver and the components connected to it and it checks the condition of the connecting cables.The emergency key for deactivating the system (not available in some markets) is located on the left of the dashboard, next to the junction unit. It cuts out the system, for example in the case of repair interventions.The door lock system switches are used to check doors, boot and bonnet. A special switch is also located on the bonnet catch.The volumetric sensors check for car intruders. They are located in the two centre pillars. Both are twin sensors, i.e. consisting of an emitter and a receiver: the wave transmitted by an emitter should reach the receiver of the other sensor and viceversa: if this is not the case, an alarm signal is sent to the control unit.The dissuasion LED is located in the dashboard, in the centre above the air vent and signals the state of the system (on, off, etc.) plus any faults. For more details  Characteristic of working principle 5580E  anti-theft device . The alarm system control unit has direct supply lines and lines controlled by the ignition protected by two fuses in the junction unit., such as the remote control unit receiver.