1. Undo the bolts (1a), nut (1b) and remove the engine components
single drive belt protection (1c).
1. Undo the nut (1a) and remove the brackets (1b) securing the power
steering pipes.2. Use a spanner on the moving tensioner (2a) and remove the single
drive belt (2b).
Use a spanner in an anti-clockwise direction
on the moving tensioner and fit the engine components single drive
belt.Refit the engine components single drive
belt protection in its seating and secure with its nut and bolts.Fit the brackets securing the power steering
pipes in their seatings and secure them with their nuts.Place the right front wheel housing dust
protection back in its housing and secure it using the fastenings and
Proceed with refitting
- 1016A40 ignition coil cover on
cylinder head- r+r
Proceed with refitting
- 7055B54 under-engine guard -
r r
Proceed with refitting
- 4450B04 right front wheel r
Connect the negative (-) battery terminal.Remove the car from the ramps.