3238529 - 5580C26 LOCK BARREL KEY/SWITCH for deactivating passenger 'AIR BAG - R.R.

Before removing and refitting the control unit, carry out the following preliminary operations:- Place the ignition key in the OFF position and extract it; - Disconnect the battery.
Removing ( Refitting ) Open the right front side door.1. Remove the switch using the special tool.

1Scraper blade1.823.014.000
2. Disconnect the electrical connection.

2Passenger's Air Bag disablement switch  H75 
Refitting ( Removing ) Check that the switch is not damaged and, if necessary, conduct an electrical test on it.1. Connect the electrical connection.2. Fit switch (2a) by inserting reference tab (2b) into seat (2c).Check system operation using the Examiner or another tester.