3239455 - E5030 PETROL ENGINE ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT - Functional description (Q-System)

Functional description

The engine control unit M10 monitors and controls the entire electronic ignition and injection system. The control unit is supplied directly by the battery via a line protected by maxifuse EFI located on the battery (connector B99 C ), at pin 4 of connector B of M10 via the line protected by fuse F5 of the additional fuse box B98 A .

The ignition-operated power supply (15/54) is received on a line protected by the fuse F4 of the additional fuse box B98 A, and energizes the main relay J10 which consequently sends the supply:

  • to pin 2 of connector A of control unit M10 ;
  • to injectors N70 ;
  • to the coils A30 ;
  • to the timing sensor K47 ;
  • to the air flow meter K41 , via the line protected by the fuse F3 of the additional fuse box B98 A .
  • to the vapour recovery solenoid L10 , again via the line protected by fuse F3 ;
  • to the heater of the Lambda probes K39 and K40 , again via the line protected by fuse F3 .
The earth of the main relay J10 is protected by a jumper diode M11 . The ignition-operated power supply (15/54) also supplies - via fuse F4 of B98A - the fuel pump relay J15 , which is excited by a control signal (earth) from pin 29 of connector C of control unit M10 . It supplies power to the fuel pump N40 , which is earthed through the inertia switch I50 , which cuts off the circuit in the case of impact to prevent the danger of fuel flowing out. Pins 3, 7 and 8 of connector A of control unit M10 are earthed and used as references: the first two for the ignition and the third for the injectors. Pin 8 of connector F is also earthed. The engine control unit M10 receives signals from the various sensors in order to monitor all engine service conditions. Rpm sensor K46 supplies information on engine speed via a frequency signal sent to pins 37 and 38 of connector E of control unit M10 . Timing sensor K47 receives a reference earth from pin 39 of connector E of control unit M10 and sends back a frequency signal corresponding to the timing to pin 40 of the same connector. Engine temperature sender unit K36 receives a reference earth from pin 28 of connector E of control unit M10 and supplies a signal proportional to the coolant temperature to pin 29 of control unit connector E. The same sender unit also supplies information to the temperature gauge and warning light  See E4023  DASHBOARD CENTRE AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT() . The (first) hot Lambda probe K40 provides control unit M10 with information on the correct composition of the air-fuel mixture in the three cylinders of one head. The signal is sent to pin 32 of control unit connector C, while pin 31 provid
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