3237560 - 1072C34 r/h exhaust manifold - r + r and replace seal

Removing ( Refitting )  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r - 1080D34  engine oil vapour separator - r + r - 1048A34  sleeve(s) from flow meter to air supply capacity case - r + r - 5530B10  battery - r+r - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r - 1076B52  exhaust pipe (one) leaving l/h or r/h exhaust manifold - r + rDrain the engine coolant by disconnecting the lower radiator outlet sleeve.Release the electrical wiring from the fastenings behind the left cylinder head and move aside.Move the electrical connections on the bracket fastened to the thermostat.Unscrew the bolts and move the bracket fastened to the thermostat.Undo both bolts and remove the coolant outlet hose from the thermostat to the engine oil heat exchanger.Undo the nuts and remove the right exhaust manifold.Remove the gaskets. Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the right exhaust manifold, complete with new gaskets, and fix it tightening the nuts to the recommended torque.

Fit the hose carrying fluid from the thermostat to the engine oil heat exchanger and secure using bolts.Replace the connector bracket and bolt to the thermostat.Secure the electrical connections to the bracket on the thermostat.Replace the electrical wiring behind the right cylinder head and secure to the collars. - 1076B52  exhaust pipe (one) leaving l/h or r/h exhaust manifold - r + r - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r - 5530B10  battery - r+r - 1048A34  sleeve(s) from flow meter to air supply capacity case - r + r - 1080D34  engine oil vapour separator - r + r - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r rSupply the engine cooling system with the recommended fluid.

-Fluid [l]ENGINE COOLING CIRCUITMixture 50% Paraflu11 for Alfa Romeo/distilled water9.2