3239083 - 1088C20 water pump - r + r with engine removed

Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Loosen the engine components drive belt tension by adjusting the belt tensioner.2. Lock the belt tensioner with the belt slack inserting a suitable peg.3. Remove the engine components single drive belt.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the timing belt guards (1b).
1. Slacken the timing belt tensioner bolts.2. Remove the timing belt from the camshaft pulleys.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the water pump pulley (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the fixed timing belt tensioner (2b).3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the water pump (3b) complete with gasket (3c).
Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the water pump with a new gasket and fix it to the cylinder block, tightening the bolts to torque.

-BoltCOOLANT PUMPM60.7 - 0.9
Fit the timing belt fixed tensioner and fix it with its bolt.Fit the water pump drive pulley and fix it using the bolts.1. Disconnect the earth cable from the left cylinder head tappet cover.2. Disconnect the electrical connection of the motorized throttle body actuator.

-Throttle body actuator  N75 
1. Disconnect the oil vapour recovery pipe.2. Disconnect the condensation oil return pipe from the separator.
Slacken the bolts on the clips securing the air intake ducts to the intake chamber.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the complete intake duct (1b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the timing sensor (light blue).

1Timing sensor  K47 
2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the engine rpm and timng sensor (black).

2Rpm sensor  K46 
3. Disconnect the electrical connection for the rear detonation sensor E (black).

3Detonation sensor - 1  K50 
4. Disconnect the electrical connection for the combined sender unit for the coolant temperature gauge and the engine overheating warning light.

4Coolant temperature sender unit  K35 
5. Disconnect the electrical connection from the engine coolant temperature sensor.

5Engine temperature sensor  K45 
6. Disconnect the earth cable from the left cylinder head tappet cover.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the left cylinder head ignition coils cover (1b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the air conditioning compressor.
Disconnect the electrical connection for the front detonation sensor.

1Knock sensor - 2  K51 
2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the electrical wiring securing brackets (2b).3. Disconnect the electrical connections from the injectors.

3Injector  N70 
4. Disconnect the electrical connections from the ignition coils.

-Ignition coil  A30 
5. Remove the electrical wiring after releasing it from the securing bands.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the bracket (1b) securing the timing belt guard.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the ignition coils (1b) from the cylinder heads.

1bIgnition coil  A30 
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the rocker covers (1b) from the cylinder heads.
1. Remove the camshaft caps 4 and 7 from the left cylinder head.2. Remove the camshaft caps B and G from the right cylinder head.
1. Fit the tool in place of the removed camshaft caps.

Slacken the bolts on the camshaft drive pullies using the tool as counter-torque.

Fit the tool (1a), complete with dial gauge (1b), in the housing in the spark plug for the 1st cylinder.

Rotate the crankshaft, using small movements (in both directions), until the piston for cylinder no. 1 is at T.D.C. at the power stroke.
Make sure that the last crankshaft rotation is in the direction of operation.
1. Fit the timing belt starting from the drive pulley and continuing in an anti-clockwise direction, making sure that the drive sections are firmly taut.
1. Fit the tool (1a) and secure it with the alternator bolt (1b) and the bolt (1c) to the water pump.
The tool lug (1d) must press against the moving part of the timing belt tensioner.

1aBelt tensioner1.860.950.000
2. Adjust the nut (2a) of the belt tensioner tool until the moving reference on the belt tensioner (2b) is under the fixed reference.
1. Tighten the bolts (1a) for the camshaft pullies to torque using the tools (1b) for counter-torque.


Remove the tool.

Fit the camshaft caps in place of the removed tool and tighten the bolts to torque.

-BoltCAMSHAFT CAPSM81.8 - 2.0
Rotate the crankshaft through two revolutions in its direction of rotation to allow the timing belt to bed in.1. Check that the moving reference on the timing belt tensioner lines up with the fixed reference.2. If the references do not line up, slightly discharge the tensioner acting on the tensioning tool nut and make sure that the references are aligned.3. Tighten the timing belt tensioner bolts to torque.

Remove the tool.

-Belt tensioner1.860.950.000
Fit the tappet covers and fix them with their bolts.Fit the ignition coils E and fix them using the bolts.

-Ignition coil  A30 
Fit the bracket securing the timing cover and fix it using the bolts.Fit the timing belt covers and fix them using the bolts.Fit the single drive belt.Push the single belt tensioner with a spanner to remove the belt tensioner retaining pin.Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and fix it to the bands.Connect the electrical connections to the ignition coils.

-Ignition coil  A30 
Connect the electrical connections to the injectors.

-Injector  N70 
Fit the electrical wiring securing brackets to the rocker covers and fix them using the bolts.Connect the electrical connection for the front knock sensor.

-Knock sensor - 2  K51 
Connect the electrical connection for the air conditioning compressor.Fit the left cylinder head ignition coils cover and fix it using the bolts.Connect the earth lead to the left cylinder head tappet cover.Connect the electrical connection to the engine coolant temperature sensor.

-Engine temperature sensor  K45 
Connect the electrical connection to the combined sender unit for the coolant temperature gauge and overheating warning light.

-Coolant temperature sender unit  K35 
Connect the electrical connection for the rear knock sensor (black).

-Detonation sensor - 1  K50 
Connect the electrical connection for the rpm and timing sensor (black).

-Rpm sensor  K46 
Connect the electrical connection for the timing sensor (light blue).

-Timing sensor  K47 
Fit the complete intake chamber and fix it using the bolts.Tighten the bands fixing the air intake ducts to the intake chamber.Connect the condensation oil return pipe to the separator.Connect the oil vapour recovery pipe.Connect the electrical connection to the motorized throttle body actuator.

-Throttle body actuator  N75 
Connect the earth lead on the left cylinder head rocker cover.