3239074 - 1024A10 crank shaft - r + r with engine removed - check main and connecting rod bearingand replace if necessary

Removing ( Refitting ) Proceed with removal  - 1004D40  engine - position on stand and remove . 1. Open the electrical connections box cover.2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the detonation sensor, timing side.

2Detonation sensor - 1  K50 
1. Loosen the bands fixing the inlet ducts to the air chamber.2. Loosen the band securing the engine oil vapour recovery pipe to the air chamber.3. Disconnect the electrical connection from the throttle body integrated with the D.V.L.

3Throttle body actuator  N75 
1. Undo the fixing bolt (1a) and disconnect the earth lead (1b) from the air capacity chamber.

1bEarth on engine  C40 
2. Undo the bolt fixing the reinforcement strut to the support on the engine for the reaction rod.3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the air chamber (3b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the right cylinder head injectors.

1Injector  N70 
2. Disconnect the electrical connections from the right cylinder head ignition coils.

2Ignition coil  A30 
3. Undo the bolts (3a) and move the electrical wiring (3b) aside.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the ignition coils (1b) from the right cylinder head.
1. Undo nut (1a) and disconnect earth lead (1b) from the left cylinder head.

1bEarth on engine  C40 
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the left cylinder head ignition coils cover (1b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the left cylinder head injectors.

1Injector  N70 
2. Disconnect the electrical connections from the left cylinder head ignition coils.

2Ignition coil  A30 
3. Undo the bolts (3a) and move the electrical wiring (3b) aside.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the ignition coils (1b) from the left cylinder head.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the upper protective timing cover (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the lower protective timing covers (1b).
1. Loosen the bolts fixing the timing belt moving tensioner.2. Release the timing drive belt from the driven pullies.
1. Undo the bolts (1a), the bolt (1b) and remove the bracket (1c).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the tappet cover for the left cylinder head (1b), complete with gasket.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the right cylinder head tappet cover (1b), complete with gasket.
1. Loosen the bolts (1a) fixing the driven pullies using the tool (1b) for counter-torque.

Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Undo the bolt (1a) and remove the fixed single drive belt tensioner (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the rpm sensor protection (1b).2. Remove the rpm sensor complete with support.
1. Undo the bolts fixing the engine oil sump.2. Use the tool to cut the crankcase sump sealant.

3. Remove the crankcase sump.
1. Fit the flywheel lock.

1. Undo the nut (1a) and remove the crankshaft pulley (1b).2. Remove the timing drive belt.3. Remove the toothed drive pulley.
1. Unscrew the bolt securing the engine oil pump drive chain to the oil pump.2. Move the engine oil pump drive chain (2a) away from the pump using tool (2b).

1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the engine oil pump (1b).
1. Remove the crankshaft key using a suitable drift.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the crankcase front cover (2b).Remove the crankshaft front oil seal from the crankcase front cover.3. Remove the gasket.4. Remove the engine oil pump drive chain.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the engine flywheel (1b).
The engine flywheel retaining bolts are treated with a compound to prevent them coming undone they should therefore be replaced whenever they are removed.
2. Remove the flywheel lock.

1. Fit the tool for rotating the crankshaft.

Turn the crankshaft to gain access to the big end bearing cap bolts on the right bank.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the right big end bearing caps (2b).3. Remove the big end bearing shells.
Check that the crankshaft end float is within the recommended values using a magnetic base fitted with a dial gauge.

-End float (mm)0.080 ÷ 0.265
1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the front and central main bearing caps (1b).2. Remove the half-bearings.
1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the rear main bearing cap (1b) using the tools (1c) and (1d).


2. Remove the half-bearing.
1. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
1. Remove the crankshaft.2. Remove the half-bearings.3. Remove the thrust washers.Remove the big end bearing shells.
Refitting ( Removing ) Wash all the dismantled components carefully.Clean sealant residues off the mating surfaces between engine oil sump and engine crankcase.Lubricate all the components for the mechanical couplings using engine oil.Check that the diameter of the main journals is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the crankshaft.

-Main bearing journal diameter (mm)Category B59.967 ÷ 59.973
Category C59.961 ÷ 59.967
Classe A59.973 ÷ 59.979
The nitriding treatment applied to the crankshaft does not allow grinding operations to be carried out.
Check that the diameter of the crankpins is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the crankshaft.

-Crankpin diameter (mm)Category B51.980 ÷ 51.990
Classe A51.990 ÷ 52.000
The nitriding treatment applied to the crankshaft does not allow grinding operations to be carried out.
Check that the main bearing halves are not scored and that they do not show traces of binding. if this is not the case, replace them.
The bearing halves must not be adapted in any way.
Place the half-bearings back in their housings in the cylinder block/crankcase.
Main bearing halves and main journals must be matched by combining parts of the same dimension category (same identification colour).
Observe scrupulous cleanliness during assembly.
1. Place the crankshaft back in its housing.2. Fit the calibrated wire (Plastigage) to measure the main journal clearance.
1. Place the main bearing cap (1a), complete with bearing halves, back in its housing and fix it tightening the nut (1b) to the recommended torque.
Main bearing caps are numbered progressively (from one to four from the camshaft end) to determine their assembly position.
The safety notches on the crankcase and main bearing caps must all be on the same side.

1bNutMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.4 ÷ 2.6 + 77? ÷ 81?
2. Use the tool for angular tightening of the main bearing cap bolts.

1. Remove the bearing caps fitted previously and, using a suitable graduated measuring instrument (1a), measure the clearance shown by the calibrated wire (1b).
Measure the clearance at all the bearings, taking care to carry out this operation, one bearing at a time, without ever moving the crankshaft.

1bMain journal-bearing clearance (mm)Category B0.000 ÷ 0.024
Category A0.000 ÷ 0.024
Category C0.000 ÷ 0.025
If the readings are not within the specified range, replace the main bearing halves with new bearing halves of appropriate size and category.
Refit the main bearing halves.Refit the thrust ring halves (thickness dependent on crankshaft end float measured upon dismantling) in their seats on the rear engine block.
The lubrication ducts in the thrust washers are fitted facing the crankshaft shoulder.
Refit the big end bearing shells in their seats.Place the crankshaft back in its housing together with the cranking tool.1. Refit main bearing caps (1a) complete with bearing halves and secure by tightening nuts (1b) to the specified torque.
Main bearing caps are numbered progressively (from one to four from the camshaft end) to determine their assembly position.
The safety notches on the crankcase and main bearing caps must all be on the same side.

1bNutMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.4 ÷ 2.6 + 77? ÷ 81?
2. Use the tool for angular tightening of the main bearing cap bolts.

1. Refit a new rear crankshaft front cover oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).
The oil seal should be fitted in its housing so that it covers the small openings (1c).

1bFitting tool1.821.250.000
1. Apply the recommended sealant (1a) through the openings (1b) and check that it comes about 5 mm out of the openings (1c)

The oil sump should be fitted within 15 minutes of applying the sealant in the openings for the crankshaft rear support. If this is not the case, remove the edge of the sealant.
Turn the crankshaft to gain access to the crankpins.1. Fit the calibrated wire (Plastigage) to measure the big end bearing clearance.
1. Fit the connecting rod caps (1a), complete with half-bearings (1b), and fix them tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.
The safety notches on the connecting rod cap and connecting rod head must be on the same side.

1cBoltConnecting rod capM91.9 ÷ 2.1 + 48? ÷ 52?
Use the tool for angular tightening of the connecting rod cap bolts.

1. Remove the big end bearing caps fitted previously and, using a suitable graduated measuring instrument (1a), measure the clearance shown by the calibrated wire (1b).
Measure the clearance at all the bearings, taking care to do it one bearing at a time without ever moving the crankshaft.

1bMain journals/bearing clearance (mm)Category B0.023 ÷ 0.063
Category A0.020 ÷ 0.060
If the value measured does not correspond to the recommended figures, replace the connecting rod half bearings with new ones of appropriate size and category.
Turn the crankshaft to gain access to the crankpins.1. Refit the connecting rod caps (1a), complete with half-bearings (1b), and fix them tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.
The safety notches on the connecting rod cap and connecting rod head must be on the same side.

1cBoltConnecting rod capM91.9 ÷ 2.1 + 48? ÷ 52?
Use the tool for angular tightening of the main bearing cap bolts.

Remove the tool for rotating the crankshaft.

1. Place the power assisted steering pump (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltENGINE OIL PUMPM10(Main journal cap side) 4.5 ÷ 5.5
1. Place the engine oil pump drive chain back in its housing and secure using the bolt without tightening.2. Fit the front crankcase cover (2a), complete with gasket (2b) and fix it tightening the bolts (2c) to the recommended torque.

2cBoltCRANKSHAFT FRONT COVERM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Refit a new front crankshaft front cover oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.860.949.000
Refit the key in its seat on the crankshaft.Place the drive pulley back in its housing.1. Carry out a preliminary check on the camshaft timing: fit a spanner in the special opening (1a) in the centre of the camshafts and rotate them until the reference marks (1b) on the actual shafts coincide with the cylinder head upper surface.
The reference marks should be facing the centre of each cylinder head.
1. Remove the camshaft caps 4 and 7 from the left cylinder head.2. Remove the camshaft caps B and G from the right cylinder head.
1. Fit the timing templates in place of the camshaft caps

1. Fit the tool (1a), complete with dial gauge (1b), in the housing of the spark plug for cylinder no. 1.

1aFitting tool1.821.225.000
Rotate the crankshaft, using small movements (in both directions), until the piston for cylinder no. 1 is at T.D.C. at the power stroke.
Make sure that the last crankshaft rotation is in the direction of operation.
1. Fit the timing drive belt starting from the drive pulley and continuing in an anti-clockwise direction, making sure that the drive sections are firmly taut.
1. Fit the tool (1a) and secure it with the bolt (1b) to the alternator bracket and with the bolt (1c) to the water pump.
The tool tooth should press on the moving part of the timing belt tensioner.

1aBelt tensioner1.860.950.000
2. Act on the nut (2a) for the belt tensioner tool until the moving reference on the belt tensioner (2b) is under the fixed reference.
1. Tighten the bolts (1a) fixing the driven pullies to the recommended toruqe using the tool (1b) for counter-torque.

1aBoltTIMING GEAR DRIVEN PULLEYSM12(Camshaft side) 7.2 ÷ 8.8

Remove the tools for timing the camshafts.

Place the camshaft caps back in their housings in place of the tools removed and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.

-BoltCAMSHAFT CAPS/M8(Cylinder head side) 1.8 ÷ 2.0
Rotate the crankshaft through two revolutions in its direction of rotation to allow the timing belt to bed in.1. Check that the moving reference on the timing belt moving tensioner lines up with the fixed reference.2. If the references do not line up, slightly discharge the tensioner acting on the tensioning tool nut and make sure that the references are aligned. 3. Tighten the bolts for the moving tensioner to the recommended torque.

3BoltMOBILE TIMING TENSIONERM8(Cylinder head side) 1.9 ÷ 2.3
Remove the belt tensioner tool.

-Belt tensioner1.860.950.000
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Refit the engine flywheel in its housing and secure by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
The engine flyhwheel may only be refitted in one position because the retaining bolt holes are not equidistant.
2. Fit the flywheel lock.

3. Tighten the new bolts to the recommended torque.
The engine flywheel retaining bolts are treated with a compound to prevent them coming undone they should therefore be replaced whenever they are removed.

3BoltFLYWHEELM12(Crankshaft side) 2.9 ÷ 3.2 + 48? ÷ 51?
Use the tool for angular tightening of the engine flywheelbolts.

1. Refit the engine oil pump drive chain (1a) in position on the oil pump, then tighten bolt (1b) to the specified torque.

1bBoltENGINE OIL PUMP DRIVE CHAINM10(Engine oil pump side) 4.5 ÷ 5.5
2. Place the crankshaft pulley (2a) back in its housing and secure it tightening the nut (2b) to the recommended torque.

2bLeft thread nutCRANKSHAFT PULLEYM28(Crankshaft side) 22.8 ÷ 25.2
Remove the flywheel lock.

Apply the recommended sealant to the entire perimeter of the crankcase sump.

1. Place the crankcase sump (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltOIL SUMPM7(Engine crankcase side) 1.4 ÷ 1.7
Refit the rpm sensor and mount.Replace the rear wheel rpm sensor in its housing and fix it using the bolts.1. Place the engine components single drive belt fixed tensioner (1a) back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltFIXED SINGLE SERVICE BELT TENSIONERM8(Crankcase sump side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
1. Place the cylinder head tappet covers (1a) complete with gaskets back in their housings and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltCAM COVERSM7(Cylinder head side) 1.4 ÷ 1.7
Place the bracket back in its housing and secure it using the boltsPlace the lower protective timing covers back in their housings and secure them using the bolts.Fit the upper protective timing gear cover and fix it using the bolts.1. Place the ignition coils (1a) back in their housings on the left cylinder head and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltIGNITION COIL/REELM6(Tappet cover side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
Connect the electrical connection for the rpm sensor.Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and fasten it using the bolts.Connect the electrical connections to the left cylinder head ignition coils.Connect the electrical connections to the left cylinder head injectors.Fit the ignition coils cover in the housing on the left cylinder head and fix it using the bolts.Connect the earth lead to the left cylinder head and secure using the nut.1. Place the ignition coils (1a) back in their housing on the right cylinder head and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltIGNITION COIL/REELM6(Tappet cover side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and fasten it using the bolts.Connect the electrical connections to the right cylinder head ignition coils.Connect the electrical connections to the right cylinder head injectors.Place the air chamber back in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Tighten the bolt fixing the reinforcement strut to the support on the engine for the reaction rod.Connect the earth lead to the air chamber and secure it using the bolt.Connect the electrical connection to the throttle body integrated with the D.V.L.Tighten the band fastening the engine oil vapour recovery pipe to the air chamber.Tighten the bands fixing the inlet ducts to the air chamber.Connect the electrical connection for the detonation sensor, timing side.Close the electrical connection box cover. Proceed with refitting  - 1004D40  engine - position on stand and remove .