3232957 - 5020L additional heater
When the engine is cold, the heater unit
cannnot heat the interior properly. This is particularly true of
Diesel engines, which heat up more slowly.These engines may optionally be fitted with
a supplementary heater system. This remains active from the moment
when the engine is turned on until a certain temperature is reached.The system takes the form of an additional
heater device, located on the heater unit motor coolant delivery
line.This device contains three heater plugs
(similar to those used to preheat the combustion chamber).OPERATION STRATEGY
Heater plug operation is controlled by a
special electronic control unit. This controls one, two or three
plugs to provide a heating power of 200W, 400W or 600W.This control logic depends on:
- engine coolant outlet temperature;
- available electrical power level;
- of engine rpm
Coolant outlet temperature is provided by
a temperature sensor located on the line carrying coolant to the heater,
immediately upstream of the additional heater device. The control
system deactivates the heater plugs when engine coolant outlet temperature
exceeds 70° C.The control unit also considers air temperature
in the engine bay. This is not recorded by a sensor, but assumed
to be the same as coolant temperature upon start-up: deactivation
temperature drops from 70° C to 65° C if the assumed air temperature
is higher.The second parameter - available electrical
power level - is obtained from battery voltage: if the voltage exceeds
12.8 V, heater plug operation is enabled. One, two or all three
heater plugs are activated below this temperature.This parameter is re-read every 10 seconds
to monitor power uptake so that the battery does not go flat.Engine rpm information is used to prevent
the heater plugs operating with the engine off: the enablement level is
660 rpm. for the 4 cylinder engine, it is 530 rpm. for the 5 cylinder
engine.The supply of one, two or three heater
plugs is controlled by two relays:
- 1. level: activated by the first relay;
- 2. level: activated by the second relay;
- 3. level: activated by both relays.
A third relay/safety switch cuts off the
power supply to the heater plugs if they are not effectively earthed. The
metal device containing the spark plugs is connected to the engine
earth by a braid. If this connection is cut, the relay cuts off
the power supply to the heater plugs.COMPONENT LOCATION
1, Additional heater device
2, Earth braid for additional heater
3, Additional heater relays
4, Temperature sensor for additional heater
5, Additional heater control unit
6, Additional heater coils (plugs)
The additional heater device containing
the three heater plugs is located on the pipe carrying coolant to
the heater unit. It is secured to the engine bulkhead by a bracket.The coolant temperature sensor is fitted
to the same pipe immediately upstream, i.e. in the direction of
the engine thermostat.The three relays are located near the diesel
filter on a special bracket fastened to the engine bulkhead.The system control unit is located beneath
the facia, on the conveyer/distributor unit in both air conditioned and
heated versions (next to the existing relay in this case).