3237900 - 1820B40 FLEXIBLE PIPE from clutch reservoir to (pump) - master cylinder R.R.
1. Drain the brake-clutch fluid from the reservoir using a suitable
1. Remove the engine bulkhead seal.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the brake-clutch fluid reservoir
(2b).3. Disconnect the hose from the reservoir to the master cylinder
from the reservoir.
1. Remove the split pin (1a) and disconnect the master cylinder
rod (1b) from the clutch pedal.2. Disconnect the hose from the reservoir to the master cylinder
on the master cylinder side and remove.
Fit the hose from the reservoir to the
master cylinder and connect to the master cylinder.Connect the master cylinder rod to the
clutch pedal and secure it with its split pin.Connect the hose from the reservoir to
the master cylinder.Refit the brake-clutch reservoir in its
seating and secure with its bolts.Place the engine bulkhead seal back in
its seating.