3237785 - 1048A54 sleeve to turbocharger - r r

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp. Proceed with removal  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . Proceed with removal  - 1048A50  air inlet pipe to turbo charger - r + r . 1. Loosen the band and disconnect the the turbocharger air inlet hose from the rigid pipe, turbocharger side.2. Loosen the band and disconnect the oil vapour recirculation pipe from the turbocharger air intake hose.3. Loosen the band and disconnect the sleeve between lower resonator and air intake sleeve to the turbocharger, turbocharger intake sleeve side.4. Remove the turbocharger air inlet hose from the rigid pipe.
Refitting ( Removing ) Refit the turbocharger air intake sleeve from the rigid pipe.Connect the sleeve between lower resonator and turbocharger inlet sleeve, turbocharger inlet sleeve side and tighten the collar.Connect the oil vapour recirculation pipe, turbocharger air intake sleeve side and tighten the band.Connect the air intake sleeve to the rigid sleeve, turbocharger side, and tighten the band. Proceed with refitting  - 1048A50  air inlet pipe to turbo charger - r + r . Proceed with refitting  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . Remove the car from the ramps.