3237790 - 1048B22 air delivery sleeve from heat exchanger to intake manifold - r + r

Removing ( Refitting ) Proceed with removal  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . 1. Undo bolts (1a) and remove protection (1b).2. Release the air supply hose from the heat exchanger to the inlet manifold from the retaining collar.3. Loosen the bands (3a) and remove the air supply duct from heat exchanger to inlet manifold (3b).
Refitting ( Removing ) Refit the air supply duct from heat exchanger to inlet manifold, connect it to the heat exchanger and tighten the relevant bands.Fit the air supply hose from the heat exchanger to the inlet manifold to the retaining collar.Place the protection back in its housing and secure it using the bolt. Proceed with refitting  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r .