3237821 - 1060G70 vacum tank for controlling engine air intake r r

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp. Proceed with removal  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . Ensure that the ignition key is in the OFF position, then disconnect the negative battery terminal (-).

-Battery  A1B 
Proceed with removal  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Proceed with removal  - 1044B10  fuel filter assembly - r + r or replace . Proceed with removal  - 1080D34  engine oil vapour separator - r + r . 1. At the bench, undo the nuts (1a) and remove the vacuum reservoir (1b) complete with solenoid valve (1c) and pipes from the mounting bracket.
Refitting ( Removing ) Place the vacuum reservoir mounting bracket complete with solenoid valve and pipes back in its housing and secure it using the nuts. Proceed with refitting  - 1080D34  engine oil vapour separator - r + r . Proceed with refitting  - 1044B10  fuel filter assembly - r + r or replace . Proceed with refitting  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Connect the negative (-) battery terminal. Proceed with refitting  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . Remove the car from the ramps.