3238080 - 3330D26 Vacuum PIPE for brake servo assembly - R.R.

Removing ( Refitting ) Proceed with removal  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . 1. Loosen the band and disconnect the brake servo vacuum pipe from the vacuum unit.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the air intake hose from the connector on the throttle casing. 2. Disconnect the vacuum intake pipe for the vacuum reservoir from the T connector on the brake servo vacuum pipe.3. Release the vacuum pipe for the brake servo from the retaining band.
1. Disconnect the brake servo vacuum pipe complete with one-way valve from the brake servo.
The brake servo single-acting valve cannot be dismantled from the vacuum pipe.
2. Remove the brake servo vacuum pipe.
Refitting ( Removing ) Place the brake servo vacuum pipe back in its housing.Connect the brake servo vacuum pipe to the brake servo one-way valve.Secure the vacuum pipe for the brake servo to the securing band.Connect the vacuum intake pipe for the vacuum reservoir to the T connector on the brake servo vacuum pipe.Connect the air inlet hose to the connector on the throttle casing and tighten the band. Connect the brake servo vacuum pipe to the vacuum unit and tighten the band. Proceed with refitting  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r .