3232879 - 1060G pressure pump electric control


Injection control unit (EDC-15C Common Rail)

It is fitted to the right side of the engine bay. The control unit is the 'flash EPROM' type, i.e. reprogrammable from the outside without intervening on the hardware.The injection control unit integrates the absolute pressure sensor.PIN-OUT
CONNECTOR A 1, Cylinder 3 injector positive 2, Cylinder 2 injector positive 3, Not connected 4, Fuel pressure regulator positive 5, Not connected 6, Not connected 7, Not connected 8, Fuel pressure sensor negative 9, Not connected 10, Not connected 11, Timing sensor positive 12, Engine rpm sensor negative 13, Supercharging sensor positive 14, Not connected 15, Turbo pressure electro-pneumatic valve negative 16, Cylinder 1 injector positive 17, Cylinder 4 injector positive 18, Not connected 19, Not connected 20, Timing sensor negative 21, Not connected 22, Not connected 23, Intake air temperature and supercharging pressure sensor negative 24, Not connected 25, Not connected 26, Not connected 27, Engine rpm sensor positive 28, Fuel pressure sensor positive 29, Flow meter positive 30, Not connected 31, Cylinder 2 injector negative 32, Not connected 33, Cylinder 4 injector negative 34, Fuel pressure regulator negative 35, Insufficient engine oil pressure sensor signal 36, Not connected 37, Air temperature sensor on flow meter signal 38, Not connected 39, Not connected 40, Supercharging sensor signal 41, Coolant temperature sensor negative 42, Air flow meter signal 43, Fuel pressure sensor signal 44, Flow meter negative 45, Not connected 46, Cylinder 3 injector negative 47, Cylinder 1 injector negative 48, Not connected 49, Not connected 50, Timing sensor signal 51, Not connected 52, Not connected 53, Intake air temperature sensor signal 54, Not connected 55, Not connected 56, Not connected 57, Not connected 58, Coolant temperature sensor signal 59, Cut out throttle solenoid valve actuator negative 60, EGR solenoid valve negative CONNECTOR B 1, Power supply from main relay 2, Control unit earth 3, Not connected 4, Control unit earth 5, Main relay power supply 6, Control unit earth 7, Not connected 8, Accelerator pedal potentiometer track 2 signal 9, Accelerator pedal potentiometer track 1 signal 10, Fuel temperature signal negative 11, Fuel temperature sensor signal 12, Not connected 13, Not connected 14, Not connected 15, Not connected 16, Not connected 17, Brake pedal switch signal 18, Not connected 19, Not connected 20, Not connected 21, Not connected 22, Not connected 23, Not connected 24, Not connected 25, Line K 26, Not connected 27, Not connected 28, Key ON signal 29, Air conditioning compressor relay 30, Accelerator pedal potentiometer track 1 negative 31, Accelerator pedal potentiometer track 2 signal 32, Not connected 33, Not connected 34, Not connected 35, Not connected 36, Not connected 37, Not connected 38, Cruise Control resume 39, Not connected 40, Not connected 41, Not connected 42, Quadinary signal 43, Not connected 44, Not connected 45, Accelerator pedal potentiometer track 1 positive 46, Accelerator pedal potentiometer track 2 positive 47, Immobilizer line W 48, Engien rpm signal output to robotized gearbox 49, Not connected 50, Not connected 51, Not connected 52, Feedback signal from heater plugs control unit 53, Not connected 54, Request to engage climate control from control button 55, Not connected 56, Cruise Control positive 57, Not connected 58, Not connected 59, Not connected 60, Not connected 61, Low C-CAN from ABS control unit 62, High C-CAN from ABS control unit 63, Not connected 64, Not connected 65, Not connected 66, Not connected 67, Not connected 68, Fuel filter heater relay operation 69, Engine cooling fan 2nd speed engagement relay 70, Not connected 71, MIL warning light 72, Main relay activation 73, Not connected 74, Water in fuel filter signal 75, Not connected 76, Not connected 77, Cruise control on/off 78, Signal for cruise control speed decrease 79, Clutch switch signal 80, Brake pedal 2nd switch signal (only for versions with cruise control) 81, Quadinary signal 82, Not connected 83, Low C CAN to body computer 84, High C CAN to body computer 85, Not connected 86, Not connected 87, Not connected 88, Not connected 89, Not connected 90, Engine cooling fan 1st speed engagement relay 91, Fuel pump relay operation 92, Not connected 93, Heater plugs engagement



It is fitted on the cylinder block/crankcase and 'faces' the flywheel on the crankshaft.It is of the inductive type, i.e. it functions by means of the variation in the magnetic field generated by the passage of the teeth of the flywheel (60-2 teeth).

The fuel injection control unit uses the rpm sensor to:

  • determine the rotation speed;
  • determine the angle of the crankshaft.


The passage from full to empty, due to the presence or absence of the tooth, causes a variation in the magnetic flow which is sufficient to generate an induced alternating voltage, resulting from the count of teeth located on a ring (or phonic wheel).The frequency and range of the voltage sent to the electronic control unit provides it with the angular speed of the crankshaft.
1 - Brass bush 2 - Permanent magnet 3 - Plastic sensor casing 4 - Coil winding 5 - Polar core 6 - Ring gear or flywheel 7 - Coaxial two-wire cable or electrical connection The distance (gap) for obtaining correct signals, between the end of the sensor and the flywheel, should be between 0.8 and 1.5 mm.This gap is not adjustable, so if a value outside the tolerance range is measured, check the condition of the sensor and the flywheel.
1 - Maximum magnetic flow 2 - Minimum magnetic flow 3 - Induced alternating voltage trend



Hall effect; it is mounted on the cylinder head and 'facing' the camshaft pulley.This pulley comprises a tooth which enables the timing sensor to indicate the engine's timing position.The fuel injection control unit uses the timing sensor's signal to find out the TDC at the end of compression.


A semiconducting layer, through which current passes, immersed in a perpendicular magnetic field (force lines perpendicular to the current direction), generates at its ends a difference in potential known as Hall voltage.If the intensity of the current remains constant, the voltage generated only depends on the intensity of the magnetic field; the intensity of the field simply has to vary periodically to produce a modulated electrical signal, whose frequency is proportional to the speed with which it changes magnetic field. To obtain this change, a tooth on the inside of the pulley moves close to the sensor.
1 - Earth 2 - Signal 3 - Supply



The intake air temperature and excess pressure sensor is a component which is designed to measure the pressure and the temperature of the air inside the inlet manifold.

It is fitted on the intake manifold has the task of notifying the injection control unit to:

  • regulate the pressure of the variable geometry turbine in order to ensure optimum engine performance in all operating conditions.
  • regulating injection duration.
1 - Earth 2 - Air temperature signal 3 - 5 Volt (from ECU) 4 - Supercharging pressure output signal



It is fitted on the thermostatic cup and measures the temperature of the coolant by means of an NTC thermistor which has a negative resistance coefficient.One NTC thermistor sends the signal to the injection control unit whilst the other one sends the signal to the temperature gauge and warning light in the instrument panel.
The sensor is based on semiconductor technology; so if the sensor temperature increases as the water temperature increases, the resistance decreases.As the variation in resistance is not linear, for the same temperature increment, it is higher for low temperatures than for high temperatures.



The flow meter is located on the air inlet duct and is of the 'hot film' type.
1 - Air temperature sensor output signal 2 - Maintenance current 3 - Negative 4 - 5V supply 5 - Flow meter output signal The intake air temperature sensor is built into the flow meter.
The air flow meter cannot be dismantled.


The operating principle is based on a heated diaphragm located in a measuring duct through which the intake air entering the engine flows.The hot film diaphragm is kept at a constant temperature (about 120° C above the incoming air temperature) by the heating coils.The air mass passing through the measuring duct tends to draw heat from the diaphragm, so to keep the latter at a constant temperature, some current must flow through the resistor.This current is measured by a suitable Wheatstone bridge.The current is therefore proportional to the mass of flowing air.
The flow meter directly measures the air mass (not volume), thus eliminating problems of temperature, altitude, pressure, etc.

Fuel temperature sensor


It is built into the fuel heater and measures the temperature of the coolant by means of an NTC thermistor which has a negative resistance coefficient.
The sensor is based on semiconductor technology; so if the sensor temperature increases as the fuel temperature increases, the resistance decreases.As the variation in resistance is not linear, for the same temperature increment, it is higher for low temperatures than for high temperatures.



It is fitted at the end of the 'rail' fuel distribution manifold and has the task of supplying the injection control unit with a 'feedback' signal to:

  • regulate the injection pressure
  • regulating injection duration.
1 - Earth 2 - Output signal 3 - Supply


Construction features

The sensor consists of a casing, secured to the accelerator pedal mount, which contains a shaft, in an axial position, connected to two potentiometers: one main one and one safety one.There is a coil spring on the shaft which guarantees the correct resistance to the pressure whilst a second spring ensures the return on release.


The position of the accelerator pedal is transformed into an electrical voltage signal and is sent to the fuel injection control unit by the potentiometer connected to the accelerator pedal.The accelerator pedal position signal is processed together with the information relating to the rpm, to obtain the fuel injection times and relevant pressure.