3237632 - 1088D10 lower sleeve for coolant outlet from radiator - r + r

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp. Proceed with removal  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . Proceed with removal  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . 1. Disconnect the rapid connector for the lower radiator coolant outlet hose, radiator side.
Recover the coolant using a suitable container.
Proceed with removal  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . 1. Loosen the band, disconnect the lower radiator coolant outlet hose from the water pump rigid inlet pipe and remove it.
Refitting ( Removing ) Place the lower radiator coolant outlet hose back in its housing and connect it and fasten it using the band. Refill the engine cooling system with coolant  - 0010T20  coolant change . Proceed with refitting  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Proceed with refitting  - 1016A10  sound-proofing cover - r + r . Remove the car from the ramps.