Position the vehicle on the ramp
Proceed with removal
- 1016A10 sound-proofing cover
- r + r
Proceed with removal
- 5530B10 battery - r+r
Proceed with removal
- 5530B54 battery cover - r+r
Proceed with removal
- 7055B54 under-engine guard -
r r1. Remove the cap on the bleed valve.2. Connect the collection system (pipe and reservoir) to the bleed
valve on the hydraulic clutch actuator. 3. Lift the retaining clip (3a) and withdraw the bleed device (3b)
as much as necessary.Let the hydraulic clutch system drain completely.4. Raise retaining clip (4a) and disconnect the hose from the vibration
damper to the slave cylinder (4b), clutch hydraulic actuator side.
1. Remove the retaining clip (1a) and disconnect the pipe between
the vibration damper and the slave (1b), vibration damper side.2. Remove the flexible pipe from the vibration damper to the slave
cylinder after having released it from its fastenings.
Place the flexible pipe from the vibration
damper to the slave cylinder back in its housing and secure it.Connect the flexible pipe from the vibration
damper to the slave cylinder, vibration damper side and secure it using
the retaining clip.Connect the flexible pipe from vibration
damper to slave cylinder, clutch hydraulic actuator side and secure
with the retaining clip.
Proceed with refitting
- 0010T64 brake and or clutch fluid
check level and top up as necessary
Proceed with refitting
- 0010T67 hydraulic clutch system
bleed air
Proceed with refitting
- 7055B54 under-engine guard -
r r
Proceed with refitting
- 5530B54 battery cover - r+r
Proceed with refitting
- 5530B10 battery - r+r
Proceed with refitting
- 1016A10 sound-proofing cover
- r + rRemove the car from the ramps.