3239316 - E3020 WINDSCREEN WASH/WIPE - Functional description (Rear seat with central winder)

Functional description

The windscreen wiper control on the steering column switch unit H5 selects the various operating modes of the windscreen wash/wipe. The stalk unit H5 is supplied at pin 3 of connector D from the ignition-operated line (INT/A) of the relay R1 protected by the fuse F14 : both are contained in the junction unit B1 . The windscren wiper control unit M79 , pin A1, is also supplied by the ignition-controlled line (INT/A) of relay R1 protected by fuse F14 .

Depending on the pre-selected function, the stalk unit H5 (connector A) sends the following control signals to the windscreen wiper motor control unit M79:

  • from pin 2 for continuous fast operation: the signal reaches pin B2 of M79 ;
  • from pins 3, 4 for continuous slow and medium-fast oeration: the signals arrive at pins B3 amd A3 of M79 ;
  • from pin 5 for intermittent or automatic operation: to pin C4 of M79 .
Windscreen wiper control unit M79 in turn sends signals to windscreen wiper motor N15 to operate the motor: from pin A8 for high speed, from pin B8 for low speed and from pin C2 for reset control (return to rest position). The windscreen wiper motor N15 is then connected to earth (pin 5). It consists of the actual geared motor, the end of travel contacts and the electronic adjustment and control device. When operated, the windscreen washer switch on the steering column switch unit H5 sends two signals from pin 8 and pin 9 of connector A, the first to windscreen wiper control unit M79 (pin A4) while the second is directly connected to the windscreen washer pump motor N22 . The motor is operated upon a command from windscreen wiper control unit M79 , from pin B4. The signal sent from pin 6 of stalk unit H5 enables operation of headlamp washers  See E3022  HEADLAMP WASHER . The rain sensor is connected to the control unit at pins C3 and C7 for the power supply and earth and at pin A2 for the actual signal. This sensor permits automatic wiper operation when it rains.