3239084 - 1016E10 single cylinder head, removed - overhaul

Dismantling ( Reassembling ) 1. Undo bolts (1a) and remove the water pump rigid inlet pipe (1b) together with the gasket.
1. Fit the tool on the engine block.

Position the cylinder head in the vice using the support tool fitted previously.1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the engine coolant temperature sensor.

1Engine temperature sender unit  K36 
2. Release the electrical wiring (2a) from the band (2b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the fuel pressure regulator.

1Fuel pressure regulator  N77 
2. Disconnect the electrical connection from the fuel pressure sensor.

2Fuel pressure sensor  K83 
3. Disconnect the electrical connection from the throttle body integrated with the D.V.L.

3Throttle body actuator  N75 
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the variable valve timing electro-magnet.2. Disconnect the electrical connection from the enablement solenoid of the changeover device actuator.

2Variable geometry control solenoid  L15 
3. Remove the electrical wiring (3a) after having released it from the fastenings (3b) on the modular intake manifold. 4. Loosen the band and disconnect the coolant return pipe to the coolant reservoir from the thermostat, then remove.
1. Release the electrical wiring from the retaining bands.2. Disconnect the electrical connection from the fuel vapour recovery solenoid.

2Fuel vapour recovery solenoid  L10 
1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the injectors.

1Injector  N70 
2. Remove the electrical wiring (2a) after having released it from the fastening bands (2b).
1. Undo the bolts securing the modular intake manifold brackets.
1. Loosen bands (1a) and remove the modular intake manifold assembly (1b).
1. Undo connectors (1a) and remove the high pressure fuel pipe (1b).
The high pressure fuel pipe must be replaced at each reassembly.
1. Undo bolts (1a) and remove fuel manifold pipe assembly (1b).
1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the inlet manifold (1b).2. Remove the gasket.
1. Remove the connectors with O-rings from the injectors.2. Undo nuts (2a) and remove the injectors (2b) with brackets (2c).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the thermostat (1b) complete with O-Ring (1c).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the high-pressure fuel pump (1b) complete with O-ring (1c).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the water pump (1b) complete with O-Ring (1c).
1. Loosen the bolt (1a) for the exhaust side timing driven pulley using tool (1b) for counter-torque.

1bSpanner for camshaft pulley rotation1.860.831.002
2. Remove the exhaust side driven toothed pulley.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) of the timing driven pulley, inlet side, using the tool (1b) for counter-torque.

2. Remove the timing driven pulley, inlet side.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the cam angle sensor (1b).
Check that the camshaft end float is within the recommended values using a dial gauge on a magnetic base.

-Camshaft end float (mm)0.10 ÷ 0.23
If the camshaft endfloat is not within the recommended values, when reassembling the cylinder head, replace the worn components.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the camshaft caps (1b).
The front cap has silicone sealant, so a plastic hammer should be used for its removal.
2. Remove the upper bearing shell for the front camshaft support, inlet side.3. Remove the camshafts.4. Remove the front camshaft oil seals.5. Remove the lower bearing shell for the front camshaft support, inlet side. 6. Remove the hydraulic tappets, grading them.
1. Place the exhaust side camshaft in a vice fitted with protective jaws.2. Unscrew the pressure pump drive sleeve and remove.
1. Remove the calibrated jet used to lubricate the high pressure fuel pump control coupling.
1. Remove the split collars (1a) using tools (1b), (1c), (1d), (1e) and (1f).

1bValve supports1.820.011.000

1cSpecial nut1.820.049.000



2. Remove the upper valve shim.3. Remove the valve springs.Remove the valve dismantling tools.4. Remove the valve.Work in the same way to remove the remaining valves.
1. Remove valve guide oil seals (1a) using tool (1b).

2. Remove the lower valve shims.
Reassembling ( Dismantling ) Clean any residues of sealant from the matching surfaces of the cylinder head and front journal cap. Check that the planarity of the lower cylinder head surface is within the recommended values.

-Cylinder head lower plane planarity (mm)0.1
1. If the planarity of the lower cylinder head surface is not within the recommended values, reface the lower cylinder head surface without exceeding the minimum permissible height for the combustion chamber.

1Combustion chamber minimum permissible height (mm)12.8 ÷ 13.2
The volume of the combustion chamber for each cylinder is given below.

-Combustion chamber volume (c.c.)38.2
Check that the valves do not show signs of scoring or seizing. Check that the diameter of the valve stems is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the worn valves.

-Valve stem diameter (mm)Exhaust6.960 ÷ 6.975
Inlet6.975 ÷ 6.990
Check that the diameter of the valve stems is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the valves.

-Valve head diameter (mm)Exhaust28.2
The taper of the valve contact band in relation to the valve bore is given below.

-Valve contact band taper (-)45° 30'
Check that the outer diameter of the hydraulic tappets is within the recommended values. if this is not the case, replace the worn parts.

-Hydraulic tappeter outer diameter (mm)32.959 ÷ 32.975
Check that the diameter of the tappet casing housings are within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the cylinder head.

-Diameter of hydraulic tappet seats (mm)33.000 ÷ 33.025
Check that the length of the uncompressed valve springs is within the recommended values.

-Valve spring length released (mm)External46.0
Use a torque wrench to check that the spring specifications are within specified values; if this is not the case, replace parts that have yielded.

-Outer valve spring height (mm)35.0
Check load (daN)25.0 ÷ 27.4

-Outer valve spring height (mm)24.4
Check load (daN)49.4 ÷ 53.4

-Inner valve spring height (mm)28.7
Check load (daN)11.6 ÷ 12.6

-Inner valve spring height (mm)18.1
Check load (daN)23.6 ÷ 25.6
Check that the cam journal diameters are within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the worn camshaft.

-Camshaft bearing diameter (mm)26.000 ÷ 26.015
Check that the nominal lift of the camshaft cams is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the worn camshaft.

-Camshaft nominal cam lift (mm)Exhaust10.2
1. Place the camshaft cams back in their housings in the cylinder head and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltCAMSHAFT SUPPORTSM7(Cylinder head side) 1.4 ÷ 1.7
Check the diameter of the camshaft mounts is within specified values; If this is not the case, replace the cylinder head.

-Camshaft bearing diameter (mm)26.045 - 26.070
If necessary, grind the valve seats to the specified height.

-Angle"a" valve seat upper band (-)150°

-Angle "b" contact band with valves (-)90° ± 10?

-Angle "c" valve seat lower band (-)30°

-Width "L" contact band with valves (mm)Exhaust1.0
Refit the support tool to the cylinder head.

Position the cylinder head in the vice using the support tool fitted previously.Fit the lower valve shims back in their housings.1. Position valve (1a) in its seat temporarily and fit the valve guide oil seal locating tool (1b).

2. Fit the valve guide oil seal by hand, then remove the locating tool. 3. Drive home the valve guide oil seal using the tool.

3Fitting tool1.860.812.000
Work in the same way when fitting the remaining valve guide oil seals.
1. Place the valve (1a) back in its housing and support it using the tools (1b) and (1c).

1bValve supports1.820.011.000

1cSpecial nut1.820.049.000
2. Place the valve springs back in their housings.3. Place the upper valve shim back in its housing.4. Place the split cotters (4a) back in their housings using the tools (4b), (4c) and (4d).



Work in the same way when fitting the remaining valves.Remove the valve dismantling/fitting tools.
Refit the calibrated jet used to lubricate the fuel high pressure pump drive coupling.1. Place the exhaust side camshaft in a vice fitted with protective jaws.2. Refit the pressure pump drive sleeve in its seat on the camshaft and tighten to the specified torque.

2-PRESSURE PUMP DRIVE SPIGOTM12(Exhaust camshaft side) 8.2 ÷ 10.0
Place the hydraulic tappets in their housings.Place the inlet side camshaft front support lower bearing shell back in its housing. Place the camshafts back in their housings.Place the inlet side camshaft front support upper bearing shell back in its housing.1. Place the camshft caps (1a) back in their housings and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.
Apply silicone sealant between the front cap and the cylinder head.

1bBoltCAMSHAFT SUPPORTSM7(Cylinder head side) 1.4 ÷ 1.7
1. Fit the front camshaft oil seal, exhaust side (1a) using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.821.228.000
1. Fit the front camshaft oil seal, inlet side (1a) using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.821.252.000
Place the cam angle sensor back in its housing and fix it using the bolts. Place the inlet side driven toothed pulley back in its housing and fix it without tightening the bolt. Place the exhaust side driven toothed pulley back in its housing and fix it without tightening the bolt.1. Place water pump (1a), complete with O-ring (1b), back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1cBoltCOOLANT PUMPM8(Cylinder head side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
1. Place the high-pressure fuel pump (1a) in its seating complete with O-ring (1b) and fix it tightening the bolts (1c) to the specified torque.

1cBoltHIGH PRESSURE FUEL PUMPM6(Cylinder head side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
1. Refit thermostat (1a), complete with O-ring (1b) and secure by tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1cBoltTHERMOSTATM8(Cylinder head side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
1. Refit injectors (1a) with brackets (1b) and secure by tightening nuts (1c) to the specified torque.

1cSelf-locking nutINJECTORSM6(Intake manifold side) 0.5 ÷ 0.6
2. Refit the connectors with O-rings into their seats on the injectors.
1. Refit inlet manifold (1a), complete with gasket (1b), back in its housing and secure by tightening nuts (1c) to the recommended torque.

1cNutINLET MANIFOLDM8(Cylinder head side) 2.3 ÷ 2.8
1. Refit the fuel manifold (1a) and secure it by tightening bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bBoltFUEL MANIFOLDM9(Intake manifold side) 3.9 ÷ 4.7
1. Place a new fuel high-pressure pipe (1a) in its seating and secure it by tightening the connectors (1b) and (1c) to the recommended torque.

1bConnectorFUEL HIGH PRESSURE PIPEM10(High pressure pump side) 1.2 ÷ 1.6

1cConnectorFUEL HIGH PRESSURE PIPEM12(Fuel manifold pipe side) 2.0 ÷ 2.4
Refit the modular intake manifold assembly and tighten the bands. Tighten the modular intake manifold bracket bolts.Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and fix it to the bands. Connect the electrical connections to the injectors.Connect the electrical connection to the fuel vapour recovery solenoid valve.Fix the electrical wiring using the bands.Refit the coolant return pipe to the supply reservoir, connect to the thermostat and tighten the band. Refit the electrical wiring and secure to the modular intake manifold.Connect the electrical connection from the enablement solenoid of the changeover device actuator. Connect the electrical connection to the variable valve timing electro-magnet.Connect the electrical connection to the throttle body integrated with the D.V.L. Connect the electrical connection to the fuel pressure sensor. Connect the electrical connection to the fuel pressure regulator. Secure the electrical wiring to the band.Connect the electrical connection to the engine coolant temperature sensor. Remove the cylinder head from the support tool.

Place the water pump rigid inlet pipe, complete with gasket, back in its housing and secure it using the bolts.