3232973 - 5580E anti-theft device

The vehicle is fitted as standard with an ALFA ROMEO CODE immobilizer system to protect against theft.An antitheft system with volumetric protection and an alarm is available on request.


To increase protection against theft attempts, the vehicles have bee fitted with an electronic engine immobilizer system known as the 'ALFA ROMEO CODE'.The keys are equipped with an electronic transponder which transmits a coded signal to a special electronic control unit. If it recognizes the code sent, it allows the engine to be started up.

New design system with cipher code

The second generation Code system has the same operating logic as the previous system already used on all Group vehicles, with the exception of the following variants:

  • the code used in the dialogue, which takes place via the aerial, between the Code control unit and the key varies each time the engine is started up ('ROLLING CODE') and is in cipher: therefore the code cannot be reproduced, even with an electronic scanner
  • Master key eliminated: two keys which have already been 'programmed' for both the Code system and the alarm (remote control), if fitted, are supplied
  • Code control unit with direct autodiagnosis
  • programming of codes in a DATA BASE managed by PARTS DEPT. Therefore when the new vehicle is handed over to the customer, the service network should not carry out any programming procedure for the Code or the alarm.

Code system components

The Code system consists of:

  • two (or more) electronic keys
  • a Code electronic control unit, with a serial line for communication with the engine control unit
  • aerial in the ignition switch
  • CODE Card for the emergency starting procedure.
1, CODE electronic control unit 2, Ignition switch with aerial 3, Electronic injection control unit (on some versions the injection control unit is located in the engine compartment) 4, Warning light in instrument panel


2 keys are supplied, with transponder and remote control (if an alarm is fitted).The transponder is an electronic device, NOT supplied by the battery, which contains a special 'ID' code (different for each key and not in cipher) and the secret code connected to the vehicle Code control unit.When the key is inserted in the ignition, in the ON position, the transponder is energized by radio waves from the aerial around the key lock barrel and automatically responds by emitting a code.The remote control contains a specific code (see DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION: Alarm).
The keys are supplied already programmed by the production plant.
All the codes are then stored in a DATA BASE managed by the PARTS DIVISION.Therefore, when a new vehicle is handed over to a customer, the Service Network should not carry out any programming procedures.If a key is mislaid or additional keys are requested, this request should be passed on to the Parts Dept. following the procedures described below.
1, Transponder 2, Remote control operating button (see Alarm) 3, Remote control repeater LED (see Alarm)

Code control unit

The main function of the Code control unit is to recognize the key inserted in the ignition switch.The Code control unit is also responsible for programming the keys and the Code warning light.The Code control unit contains the secret code used in the dialogue which takes place via the aerial between the Code control unit and the key transponder.It also contains the codes for the enabled keys (IK1 and ID2) and the fix code (non-cryptic code used in the dialogue between the Code control unit and the engine control unit: when the key is turned to the ON position for the first time, if the key is recognized, the FIX CODE is transferred to the engine control unit).The Code control unit has a direct diagnostic line, independent from the engine control unit line.The Code control unit and the engine control unit 'converse' via a serial line with a single cable.The serial line is the two-way type: this means that the information travels in a sequential fashion from the engine control unit to the Code control unit and viceversa.Code control unit pin-outRefer to the illustration
Connector A, 3-way1 Aerial supply (+)2 N.C.3 Aerial supply (-)Connector B, 8-way1 N.C.2 Signal for warning light bulb3 Direct supply4 Earth5 Diagnostic line K6 Serial connection line with the i.e. control unit7 Predisposition for external relay (Not connected)8 Supply controlled by the ignition For further details see wiring diagram, function  See E7010  CODE

Dialogue between the code control unit, key and engine control unit

- With the ignition key in the ON position, the engine control unit asks the Code control unit for the FIX CODE- The Code control unit asks the transponder in the key for ID- The transponder transmits ID1 to the Code control unit where the ID received is compared with the enabled ones- If the ID received is amongst the enabled ones, the secret code is checked through a coded dialogue between the Code control unit and the transponder- If this recognition takes place, the Code control unit sends the FIX CODE to the engine control unit, which checks that it conforms and enables the starting and running of the engine. The Code warning light goes outIf this recognition does NOT take place, the Code control unit sends a special code to the engine control unit which does not allow the engine to be started up. The Code warning light remains on constantly.The logic of the dialogue between the two control units is summarized in the diagram.
1, CODE electronic control unit 2, Ignition switch with aerial 3, Engine control unit 4, 'CODE failure' warning light in control panel 5, 'Electronic injection failure' warning light in control panel

Code system warning light

The Code warning light in the instrument panel is managed by the Code control unit.

If the ignition key is turned to the ON position, the indicator can signal one of the following conditions:

  • on briefly (0.7 s) and then off: key recognized, system operation correct;
  • on constantly: the control unit has detected one of the following faults:
  • key not recognized by the Code control unit;
  • serial line between Code control unit and engine control unit not connected or no communication between the control units
  • key programming procedure not carried out (new control unit from PARTS DEPT.).
The operation of the warning light is summarized in the following diagram.

Code card

This is the card which contains:

  • the emergency electronic code which allows the vehicle to be started using the Examiner or other diagnostic instrument or, in an emergency, using the accelerator pedal
  • the mechanical code.
1, Electronic code 2, Mechanical code The emergency electronic code is also used for the system fault diagnosis and for other operations using the Examiner or other diagnostic equipment. Many of these operations (e.g. 'Programming Keys') can, in effect, only be carried out after this code has been entered. Therefore before any operation, the Customer must be asked for the Code Card.
The Code Card should not be left in the vehicle in case it is stolen: it should, however, be available for the emergency starting procedure described below.

System self-test

The control unit carries out a continuous self-test of the system's operation. In particular:

  • it detects and memorizes any faults
  • it recognizes the various components and the type of fault
  • it signals the onset of these faults via the special warning light in the instrument panel.
The Code system has its own diagnostic line and therefore it is possible, using the Examiner or other diagnostic equipment, to detect the information stored in the control unit memory.

The control unit provides information on:

  • the state of the control unit: it indicates whether the control unit is correctly programmed and operational, if it is unusable, or if the 'Key Programming' procedure has not been carried out (new control unit ordered from PARTS DEPT.)
  • the state of the Code warning light: on or off (it makes it possible to identify any irregularities in the warning light connections)
  • the status of the key (correctly programmed or not)
- the number of keys enabled.

The control unit then recognizes faults in all the system components:

  • Code control unit
  • aerial
  • key transponder;
  • serial line with engine control unit.
Once the faults have been repaired, it is then possible to cancel the faults memorized by the control unit.

It is also possible to carry out the following procedures using the Examiner:

  • Key programming
Any keys no longer present are automatically and definitively cancelled in a new programming.
Cancelling keys programmedThe operations described can only be carried out using the Examiner after having entered the emergency electronic code on the Code Card.Therefore before any operation using the Examiner or other diagnostic equipment, the Customer must be asked for the Code Card.Emergency starting procedureThe emergency starting procedure makes it possible to start up the engine if there is a problem in the Code system (Code control unit faulty, keys unusable, etc.), i.e. if the engine control unit has not received the go ahead for starting from the Code control unit.This operation is useful for starting up the engine and driving the vehicle to a Service Centre to have the fault repaired.
After an emergency starting procedure, if the ignition is turned to the OFF position, the engine control unit will return to the engine immobilized condition and the procedure should be repeated, if necessary.
This procedure can be carried out using the Examiner or - only in emergencies - using the accelerator pedal:By acting on the accelerator pedal, the emergency code is transmitted to the injection control unit through the signal detected by the butterfly valve.Carry out the following operations in the order given:1 Read the emergency code on the Code Car.2 Turn the ignition to the ON position; press the accelerator pedal and keep it pressed.The injection failure warning light should come on for 4 seconds, then go out briefly (150 ms.) and come on again for another 4 seconds.3 When the warning light goes out, release the accelerator pedal.4 When the pedal is released, the warning light should start to flash (at a frequency of 0.8 Hz).5. After a number of flashes equivalent to the first figure of the code on the Code Card, fully depress the accelerator pedal and keep it depressed.6. The injection warning light should come on again for 4 seconds and then go out to indicate that the first figure has been accepted.7. When the warning light goes out, release the accelerator pedal.8. When the pedal is released, the warning light will start to flash again as before (frequency 0.8 Hz).9. After a number of flashes equal to the second digit, press the accelerator pedal; the warning light comes on for 4 seconds to indicate that the second digit has been accepted10. Repeat the above for the other figures in the emergency code.11. When the pedal is released after the last figure has been accepted, the warning light should flash at twice the frequency (1.6 Hz) to indicate that the entire code has been accepted. If, on the other hand, the warning light remains on, this means that the code has been rejected.12. If the code has been accepted, start up the engine; if this is not the case, turn the key to the OFF position and try the operation again. The graph illustrates pedal operations and warning light flashes for the code 42173

Data base

There is a centralized DATA BASE (for all markets) managed by the PARTS DEPT. for ordering all system components.The production plant transfers all the details needed into this DATA BASE together with the chassis number of the new vehicle.This PARTS DATA BASE should be used by the Service Network for ordering replacement components.

The DATA BASE contains various information, including:

  • vehicle chassis number
  • ID1, ID2, (up to a maximum of 8)
  • mechanical key code
(*) For versions with an alarm, there are special codes for the remote controls for each key: a remote control cannot be recreated with the same code as the one lost.

Intervention procedures

Loss of key(s)1. Ask the customer for all the keys remaining in his possession. He should also prove that he owns the vehicle by showing the registration document and a valid identity document.2. Carry of the PROGRAMMING OF THE KEYS remaining using the Examiner or other diagnostic equipment working on the Code control unit. In this way ke
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