125000056 - WHEEL GEOMETRY

1.8 T.SPARK2.0 JTS3.2 V61.9-JTD 16v
Camber-0°39’ ± 20’- 0°39'' ± 20''-0°24'' ± 20''- 0°39'' ± 20''
Caster3°55’ ± 30’3°55'' ± 30''4°6'' ± 30''3°55'' ± 30''
Toe in (d2-d1)-1 ± 0.6 mm (*)(-9’ ± 5’)-1 ± 0.6 mm (*)(-9’ ± 5’)-2.4 ± 0.6 mm (*)(-22’ ± 5’)-1 ± 0.6 mm (*)(-9’ ± 5’)
The values are valid for the vehicle in Standard A or Standard 0 conditions, corresponding to the mass of the vehicle complete with spare wheel, tools, accessories, supplies with a full fuel tank or 8 litres of fuel.
(*) The toe in value, is calculated using a 15" wheel rim irrespective of the wheel size actually fitted; if it is not possible to use a 15" wheel on the test bench, refer to the original values. It should also be remembered that the toe in value includes the tolerance that should be equally distributed between the two wheels.