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There are 3 labels on the cover of the radio:

  • Label with K7 - and ALFA product number (65x19 mm)
  • 36 pin connector pin out details (50x54 mm)
  • Laser warning

Every radio is supplied with:

  • Radio passport with the serial number and code
1 - Alfa product number label2 - Pin out connections label

Dot matix display

Indications side:

  • Side for fixed state information (AF, TA, TP, ...)

Information side:

  • Side for display of frequency band, audio settings, CD track ...

RDS side:

  • Side for display of frequency, programme name, graphics ...
Example of screen in tuner mode:
Example of screen in CD/CDC mode:
Example of screen for graphics equalizer:


Main functions

Switching the equipment on using the on buttonThe equipment is switched on by pressing the ON button for more than 20 msecs. The display responds immediately (within 1 sec., last source indication), the audio can be heard within 2.5 secs.To switch the equipment off, press the ON button for longer than 1 second.On/off logic, time modeAutomatic switching off 20 minutes after the ignition has been switched off. The radio can be switched on, for a futher 20 minutes, after it has been switched off automatically, by pressing the On button.Roger beep signalFrequency: 2kHz, approx: 150ms.

Auditory signal volume:

  • Listening volume < 30: auditory signal volume = 30 (fixed auditory signal volume)
  • Listening volume 30: auditory signal volume paralle to the listening volume
Last statusAfter switching the radio on / off, it continues to operate with the following settings. If the volume level was above 30 steps, the equipment will resume playing at level 30.Cd ejectTo eject the disc, press the eject button Δ (only if the radio is on). The disc will be ejected and the source listened to prior to playing the CD will be heard.If the CD is not removed from the radio, the radio will recharge it 30 secs later remaining in tuner mode.If the user reinserts the CD ejected from the radio without having removed it first, the radio will remain in tuner modeSwitching sourceTo access and change available sources, press the SRC button.
Available sourcesCD insertedCDC with CDs inserted
At each change of source, the new source is displayed for 2.5 secs:._ _ _ _ T U N E R _ _ _ (RDS side)_ _ _ _ C D _ _ _ _ (RDS side)_ C D - C H A N G E R _ (RDS side).Whilst the message is displayed, the last source is played.If no CDs are inserted or the CD CHANGER Is not connected, the following is displayed:._ _N O C D _ _ (RDS side).Alternative frequency searchTo activate / deactivate the alternative frequency search for the station selected, press the AF/TA button for a while (> 1sec). The letters RDS will still be shown on the display (if available) and the ''AF'' symbol will be displayed if the AF function has been activated.If the radio is in AM mode when the AF/TA button is pressed, the tuner mode will move on to the FM1 at the last station selected.Manufacturer''s pre-defined setting: AF onTraffic informationTo activate / deactivate the traffic news function, press the AF/TA button briefly (<1 sec.).
Information on Display Indication SideStation which is broadcasing traffic informationTraffic information function activated
If the traffic news function is activated, but the radio station selected does not broadcast traffic information, an auditory message (beep) will be sounded every 30 secs.If the broadcaster is on the AM band and the AF/TA button is pressed briefly (<1 sec), the tuner will tune into the last FM station listened to. If the station selected does not broadcast traffic information, the search will commence and an auditory signal will be produced.If the source activated is CD or CDC or the telephone or mute functions (volume 0) are activated and the AF/TA button is pressed briefly (<1 sec), the traffic information function will be activated and traffic bulletins will be transmitted. If the last source selected was the AM radio, the tuner will switch to FM1 for the last broadcaster selected. If the station selected does not broadcast traffic information, the search will commence

Traffic news volume:

  • Listening volume < 30: Traffic news voume = 30 (fixed volume)
  • Listening volume 30: Traffic information volume equal to the listening volume +1

If the vehicle leaves the area covered by the radio station tuned into, this is what happens:

  • Tuner Mode: an auditory signal is produced every 30 secs
  • CD or CDC Mode or telephone or mute function activated: a tuning search is launched (there is no visual or auditory information)
If the AF/TA button is pressed briefly (<1 sec.) during the transmission of a traffic bulletin, the news will no longer be transmitted even if the traffic news function (TA) continues to be activated.If a traffic news flash is being transmitted, the following will be shown on the display:._I N F O _ T R A_ (RDS side).Whilst a traffic bulletin is in progress, the outside display will show the latest information received.

General information on traffic news:

  • During a traffic bulletin the audio function can be activated using the ''AUD'' button.
  • There are no separate audio values, in other words the audio will be adoped even after the traffic message.
  • The alteration of the volume during a traffic bulletin will not be confirmed on the display. The value regulated is only valid for the individual bulletin.
  • During a traffic bulletin it is possible to recall a programme using the preselection buttons (the traffic bulletin will only be deactivated if in radio mode).
  • It is possible to change source during a traffic bulletin using the SRC button (the traffic bulletin will be deactivated).
Setting pre-defined by the Manufacturer: TA offPty31The PTY31 process is similar to the traffic information function, but there is no possibility of deactivating it.Mode for europe / south america (n.b. function not described in owner''s handbook)The customer can activate the two modes, in order, by pressing the BN button and the preselection button 1 simultaneously whilst the radio is on. The mode selected will be shown on the radio for 2 seconds.For example:._ _ _ E U R O P E _ _ _ (Information side)_ S U D _ A M E R _ _ _ (Information side).Setting pre-defined by the Manufacturer: EUROPEAutostore (automatic programming)Press the BN button for a whilst ( >1 sec, followed by auditory signal) to activate the Autostore function. With this function the radio programmes the six stations with the strongest signal in decreasing order of intensity for the signal on the FMT frequency band. If the traffic information function is activated, only stations broadcasing traffic information are programmed.The following information is shown on the display during the automatic programming process:._ A - S T O R E (RDS side).If the autostore process is activated in CD or CDC mode or the source is changed, this process will take place in the background.Each station is only programmed onceException: for regional programmes the second digit of the Pl cannot be taken into consideration during the autostore process, so that the same broadcater could be programmed with 2 different Pl codesTo interrupt the automatic programming process, press the BN button again (the last station selected before the programming process was started will be selected).At the end of the autostore function, the system will automatically activate the 1st station preselected on the FMT level. If less than six stations can be received, the preselection buttons remaining free will be represented by four horizontal lines for 2 secs and the last broadcaster listened to will be reproduced.._ _- - - - _ _ (RDS side).The word ''SEARCH'' will be shown on the outside display during the autostore process.

General information when the autostore function is activated:

  • At the start of the autostore function, all the other functions and menus are disabled;
  • Pressing a button with a function for the radio (e.g. PTY, >>, <<, preselection buttons) will interrupt the autostore function, the last station listened to before the start of the process will be tuned into and the function associated with the button selected will be carried out;
  • Pressing the TA button during the autostore process will interrupt the process, the TA function will be activated / deactivated and a new autostore process will be initiated.
  • The autostore process will not be interrupted by changing source.
Mute functionPress the ON button briefly (< 1 sec.) to activate/deactivate the Mute function. If the Mute function is activated, the volume will decrease in 800 msecs. from the current volume to the value 0e the display will show:.- _ M U T E _ _.If the Mute function is deactivated, the volume will increase by 0 to the value previously listened to in 800 msecs. and the display will show whatever was displayed before the activation of the Mute function.

General information when the Mute function is activated:

  • Pressing the volume button deactivates the Mute function and alters the listening volume
  • All the functions and the menu can be used
  • If a traffic bulletin is received (with the TA function activated) or a PTY31 message is received, the activated Mute function will be be ignored
Soft mute functionThe Soft Mute function is activated if one of the 6 preselection buttons is usedIf one of these buttons is pressed, the volume decreases with a soft mute effect. The ramp is set to reach volume 0 from the current volume in one secondIf the button is pressed for:<1sec. the moment it is released the volume will increase with a soft demute This ramp is set to reach the current volume the current volume from 0 in 500 msec.pressing the button for a second, an auditory signal is produced (station programming). At the end of the auditory signal, the volume is the current volume (no soft demute).Outside display mode (n.b. function not described in the owner''s handbook)

It is possible to select between two modes by pressing the BN button and preselection button 2 simultaneously within 5 secs of switching the radio on. The two modes are:

  • RDS display: (RDS-name on, NAME-on) The RDS name of the broadcaster selected (if available) is shown on the outside display in place of the frequency
  • Frequency display: (RDS-name off, NAME-off) The outside display always shows the frequency of the radio station
The radio shows the mode selected for 2 secs.For example:.- N A M E _ O N _ (RDS side)- N A M E _ O F F (RDS side).Setting pre-defined by the Manufacturer: NAME-ONFrequency mode (n.b. function not described in the owner''s handbook)In this mode the radio always shows the frequency of the station selected. To activate this mode, press the AUD button for 8 secs and then press preselection button 5. 2 secs and 8 secs after pressing the AUD button, an auditory signal will be produced. After the second auditory signal, press button 5 briefly (an auditory signal will be produced) to enter the frequency mode.To exit the frequency mode, switch the radio off and then on again.Auto switching onThe radio receives the switching on signal via the B-CAN lineIf the radio is on and the engine is switched off, the radio switches off.

If the radio is off and the engine is started up:

  • If the radio was on before the engine was started, it remains on
  • If the radio was off before the engine was started up
Name-rds mode (south american market only)

Briefly (<1 sec) pressingthe AF/TA button activates / deactivates the Name-RDS function:

  • Name -RDS on: the display shows the name of the broadcaster (if available) instead of the frequency
  • Name -RDS off: the display always shows the frequency of the broadcaster
The radio shows the mode selected for 2 secs, e.g.:._-_RDS_ON_ (RDS side)_ RDS_OFF_ (RDS side).If the Name-RDS mode is off, then the AF function is also offSetting pre-defined by the Manufacturer: RDS ON

Audio adjustments

The 7 band graphic equalizer depends on the hardware the loudness, bass, treble and 2IC 2 band parameteric equalizer (for the
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