Functional description

The ignition-operated power supply (INT) for the electronics of the two headlsmpsF10 and F11 reaches pin 6 through the line of fuse F37 of the unit under the dashboard B2, whilst pin 14 of F10 and F11 is earthed.Pins 8 ofF10 and F11 are connected to one another (serial communication line between MASTER and SLAVE), whilst pin 13 of the control unit located in headlamp F10 receives the speedometer signal from pin 28 connector A of the Body Computer M1.HeadlampF10 incorporates the headlamp alignment function: the two sensors (potentiometers) that record the alignment at the front K1 and the rear K2 are connected: a supply and reference earth are sent from pins 9 and 10 of F10: the signals proportional to the load return to pins 11 and 12;on the basis of these signals, the electronics for the headlamp automatically adjusts the light beam by means of a special motor (the motor for the left headlamp is adjusted directly, the one for the right headlamps via the serial line betweenF10A and F11A).Self-diagnostic data can be read by connecting the unit to connector G of Body ComputerM1- pin 12: this receives signals from pins 7 of F10 and F11 via the special diagnostic line.