Functional description

When ignition switchH1is turned to the extreme position (AVV) - pin 50 - the solenoid winding is energized - pin 50 - for the starter motorA20.This supply comes from the battery via the line of maxifuse IGN ofB99.However, this supply only occurs in the presence of an enablement signal - from pin 42 of connector A of the SELESPEED control unitM54(while pin 76 of connector B ofM54receives the starting request signal); the starting enablement relayJ05 - supplied under the ignition (15/54) by the line protected by the fuse F16 of the engine compartment unit B1 - then sends the supply to pin 50 of the starter motor A20;The supply controlled by the ignition (15/54) reaches pin 28 of connector A ofM54..Pin 30 ofA20, the actual starter motor, receives the voltage coming directly from the batteryA1    See E7051 ROBOTIZED GEARBOX.The direct current generated by the alternatorA10 (pin B+) is sent to the batteryA1, passing through the motorA20. When the alternator does not turn, and so does not recharge the battery, an earth signal is sent from pin D+ to the Body Computer pin 19 of connector A: this is connected via the CAN line to the instrument panelE50 and manages, as described above, the switching on of the recharging warning light on the instrument panel E50.