Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on a lift.PROCEED WITH DRAINING THE HIGH PRESSURE FUEL SYSTEM FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BELOW.Start the engine.Keep the engine idling for 2 minutes.Detach the fuel pump relay.Wait until the engine cuts out.Try and start the engine: if the engine starts within 10 seconds wait for it to cut out, then try and start the engine again; if the engine does not start within 10 seconds, continue for another 5 seconds.Wait for the engine to cool down.Make sure that the ignition key is in the OFF position, then disconnect the negative battery terminal (-)
Drain the air conditioning coolant circuitProceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the protection (1b).2. Fit the flywheel lock.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankshaft pulley (1b).
1. Remove plug (1a), unscrew bolt (1b) and remove the auxiliary drivebelt fixed tensioner (1c).
1. Undo the fixing bolts (1a) and remove the upper protective timing cover (1b).
1. Undo the fixing bolts (1a) and remove the right side protective timing cover (1b).2. Undo the fixing bolts (2a) and remove the left side protective timing cover (2b).
1. Undo the fixing bolts (1a) and remove the lower protective timing cover (1b).
1. Slacken the counter-rotating shaft toothed belt.2. Remove the counterrotating shaft toothed drive belt
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the counter-rotating shaft toothed belt drive pulley (1b).
Remove the flywheel lock.
1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the ignition coils.
1Ignition coil See A30 IGNITION ''COIL
2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the ignition coils (2b).
Remove the spark plug for cylinder no. 1.1. Fit the tool (1a) complete with dial gauge (1b) in the seat for the spark plug for cylinder no. 1.
Working on the timing drive pulley fixing bolt, rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until the piston for cylinder no.1 is at T.D.C. in the explosion stroke.
If TDC is exceeded, do not turn backwards but proceed with the rotation in the same direction rotating the crankshaft through another two revolutions and return the piston for cylinder no. 1 to TDC.
Remove the tool complete with dial gauge from the seat for the spark plug for cylinder no. 1.
1. Loosen the moving timing tensioner nut.2. Release and remove the toothed timing drive belt.
1. Undo the bolt fixing the rigid pipe mounting collar for the exhaust pipe between the catalytic converter and the silencer to the bracket.2. Loosen the collar (2a) and remove the rigid pipe for the exhaust pipe between the catalytic converter and the silencer (2b).3. Remove the seal.
1. Undo bolts (1a), (1b) and remove the modular intake manifold bracket (1c) after releasing the strips connected to the bracket from the wiring.
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the knock sensor.
1Detonation sensor -1 See K50 DETONATION SENSOR 1 ( CONNECTORS )
2. Disconnect the electrical connection from the insufficient engine oil pressure sensor.
2Engine oil pressure sensor (switch) See K30 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SENSOR SWITCH ( CONNECTORS )
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the rpm sensor.
1Rpm sensor See K46 RPM SENSOR ( CONNECTORS )
2. Disconnect the earth lead from the starter motor.
2Starter motor See A20 STARTER'' MOTOR
3. Disconnect the earth lead from the alternator.
3Alternator See A10 ALTERNATOR
Proceed with the removal.Proceed with the removal.1. Withdraw the guide pipe and remve together with the engine oil dipstick.
1. Disconnect the rapid connector for the lower coolant outlet hose from the radiator and drain the engine cooling system.
Manually press the clips and release the hose rapid connector.
Collect the coolant in a suitable container.
1. Loosen the collar and disconnect the upper coolant input sleeve to the radiator, thermostat side.2. Loosen the collar and disconnect the coolant outlet pipe from the climate control system heater, on the side of the rigid pipe carrying coolant into the coolant pump.3. Loosen the band and disconnect the lower coolant inlet hose from the radiator, water pump rigid coolant inlet pipe side.4. Slacken the collar for the coolant outlet pipe from the engine oil heat exchanger on the water pump rigid inlet pipe side.5. Loosen the collar and disconnect the coolant delivery pipe to the climate control system heater, thermostat side.6. Loosen the collar and disconnect the coolant supply pipe to the engine oil heat exchanger, thermostat side.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the engine coolant system supply pipe from the water pump rigid inlet pipe.
1. Loosen the collar and disconnect the flexible section from the rigid section of the coolant return pipe to the engine coolant reservoir.
1. Undo the bolt (1a) and disconnect the earth lead (1b) from the cam cover.
1bEarth on engine See C40 ENGINE EARTH
2. Undo the bolts (2a) and rmove the bulkhead coupling (2b) aside.
1. Disconnect the vacuum outlet pipe from the modular intake manifold.2. Disconnect the engine wiring electrical connections (2a) and (2b).
2aFront/engine coupling See D4A FRONT/ENGINE CONNECTION ( CONNECTORS )
2bFront/engine coupling See D4B FRONT/ENGINE CONNECTION ( CONNECTORS )
1. Disconnect the fuel supply pipe rapid connector.2. Disconnect the rapid connector for the fuel vapour recovery pipe.
1. Disconnect the electrical connection from the switching control actuator enablement solenoid valve.
1Variable geometry solenoid valve See L15 VARIABLE GEOMETRY CONTROL SOLENOID ( CONNECTORS )
2. Disconnect the vacuum intake pipe from the air flow switching device actuator and release it from the fastening on the latter.3. Disconnect the air flow switching device actuator linkage.4. Undo the bolts (4a) and remove the air flow switching device control actuator (4b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and move the power assisted steering fluid reservoir (1b) sideways.
1. Undo bolts (1a) and remove bracket (1b) after releasing the band from the electrical wiring.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the oil vapour recirculation pipe from the modular intake manifold.
1. Release the pipe carrying fuel to the high pressure fuel pump (1a) from band (1b) on the cam cover.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the cam cover (1b) complete with gasket.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the cylinder head (1b).
Use commercial wrench USAG 233 1/2 S to loosen/tighten the cylinder head bolts.
2. Remove the cylinder head gasket.
Refitting ( Removing ) Ensure the cylinder head locating bushes are present on the crankcase.Fit a new cylinder head gasket in position.Position the cylinder head on the crankcase, ensuring that the cylinder 1 valves are closed.
Do not reuse the cylinder head bolts more than four times because they undergo permanent lengthening whenever they are tightened.Replace the bolts if the number of times that the bolts have been tightenened to the cylinder head is unknown.
1. Tighten the cylinder head bolts (1a) to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).
Follow the order shown in the figure for each tightening sequence.
Use commercial wrench USAG 233 1/2 S to loosen/tighten the cylinder head bolts.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1aBoltCYLINDER HEADM10(Engine crankcase side) 2 + 2 + 90° + 90° + 90°
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000
1. Fit the tool (1a) complete with dial gauge (1b) in the seat for the spark plug for cylinder no. 1.
Rotate the crankshaft until the piston for cylinder no. 1 is at T.D.C. in the combustion stroke.
If TDC is passed, do not turn backwards but proceed with the rotation in the same direction rotating the crankshaft through another two revolutions and return the piston for cylinder no. 1 to TDC.
1. Undo the inlet side camshaft driven timing pulley bolts (1a) using the tool (1b) for counter-torque.
2. Undo the exhaust side driven timing pulley bolt (2a) using the tool (1b) for counter-torque.
2bSpanner for rotating timing pullies1.860.831.002
Undo the bolts and remove the inlet side camshaft fourth cap and the exhaust side camshaft second cap.1. Fit the tool (1a) in place of the camshaft caps that have been removed and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.
Check that the camshaft cam profile and the tool are correctly aligned.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1bBoltTEMPLATES FOR ENGINE TIMINGM7(Cylinder head side) 1.0
1. Fit the timing toothed drive belt in the following order:toothed drive pulley (1a)fixed tensioner (1b)exhaust side toothed driven pulley (1c)
Before fitting the belt on the exhaust side driven toothed pulley, turn it clockwise (see figure) to the travel end stop.
inlet side toothed driven pulley (1d)
Before fitting the belt on the intake side driven toothed pulley, turn it clockwise (see figure) to the travel end stop.
moving tensioner (1e)water pump pulley (1f).
The belt is fitted with the arrow facing the direction of rotation of the engine (clockwise - timing end).
1. Use the tool to rotate the moving timing tensioner until the timing belt is completely taut.
2. Tighten the nut fixing the moving timing tensioner to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1. Tighten the bolts (1a) for the inlet side toothed timing driven pulley to the specified torque using tool (1b) for counter-torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1aBoltTIMING DRIVEN PULLIESM6(Inlet camshaft side) 0.8 - 1.0
2. Tighten the exhaust side driven timing pulley bolt (2a) using the tool (1b) for counter-torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
2aBoltTIMING DRIVEN PULLIESM12(Exhaust camshaft side) 10.8 - 13.2
2bSpanner for rotating timing pullies1.860.831.002
Remove the camshaft timing tools.
Place the camshaft caps previously removed in their housings and secure them tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltCAMSHAFT CAPSM7(Cylinder head side) 1.4 - 1.7
Turn the crankshaft through two turns in its direction of rotation (clockwise - timing end) and move the piston of cylinder 1 to TDC.1. Insert tool (1a) to hold the mobile timing belt tensioner and loosen tensioner nut (1b).
2. Turn tool (2a) anticlockwise (timing end) to align tensioner mobile pointer (2b) with reference hole (2c).
3. Tighten the nut fixing the moving timing tensioner to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Turn the crankshaft through two turns in its direction of rotation (clockwise - timing end) to move cylinder 1 to TDC in the combustion phase and use the tool to check that engine timing is correct.
Remove the tool for checking T.D.C. from the housing for the spark plug for cylinder no.1.
Place the spark plug for cylinder no.1 in its housing and tighten it to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
--SPARK PLUGSM14(Cylinder head side) 2.4 - 3.0
1. Position the counterrotating shaft toothed drive pulley (1a) in its housing and secure it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1bBoltCOUNTER-ROTATING SHAFT DRIVE PULLEYM6(Timing drive pulley end) 0.8÷1.0
1. Turn the counter-rotating shafts so that notches (1a) on the pulleys are aligned with the ribs (1b).2. Fi the lower timing system cover and the crankshaft pulley and check the alignment of the notches stamped on the parts.
1. Fit the counterrotating shaft toothed drive belt2. Tension the counterrotating shaft toothed drive shaft using tool (2a) to move reference hole (2b) on the tensioner to the middle of the rotation sector.
3. Tighten the nut fixing the toothed counter-rotating shaft belt tensioner to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
3NutDRIVE BELT TENSIONER COUNTER-ROTATING SHAFTM6(Left counterrotating shaft front cover end) 0.8 - 1.0
1. Place the cam cover (1a), complete with gasket, back in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1bBoltCAM COVERM6(Cylinder head side) 0.8 - 1.0
Secure the pipe carrying fuel to the high pressure fuel pump to the band on the cam cover.Connect the oil vapour recirculation pipe to the modular intake manifold and tighten the band.Refit the bracket and secure with the bolts, then secure the electrical wiring to the band.Place the power assisted steering fluid reservoir in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Place the air flow switching device control actuator back in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Connect the air flow switching device actuator linkage.Connect the vacuum intake pipe from the air flow switching device actuator and secure it to the band on the latter.Connect the electrical connection to the switching control actuator enablement solenoid valve.Connect the rapid connector for the fuel vapour recovery pipe.Connect the fuel supply pipe rapid connector.Connect the electrical connections for the engine wiring.Connect the vacuum outlet pipe to the modular intake manifold.1. Replace the ignition coils (1a) in their housings and secure them tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1bBoltIGNITION COIL/REELM6(Cam cover side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
Fit the bulkhead coupling in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Connect the battery earth lead to the cam cover and secure it using the bolt.Connect the electrical connections to the ignition coils.Connect the flexible section to the rigid section of the coolant return pipe to the engine coolant reservoir and tighten the band.Connect the engine coolant system supply pipe, water pump rigid inlet pipe side, and tighten the band.Connect the coolant supply pipe to the engine oil heat exchanger, thermostat side, and tighten the band.Connect the coolant delivery pipe to the climate control system heater, thermostat side, and tighten the band.Connect the coolant outlet pipe from the climate control system heater, on the side of the rigid pipe carrying coolant into the coolant pump and tighten the collar.Connect the lower coolant inlet hose from the radiator, water pump rigid coolant inlet pipe side and tighten the band.Connect the coolant outlet pipe from the climate control system heater, on the side of the rigid pipe carrying coolant into the coolant pump and tighten the collar.Connect the upper coolant input sleeve to the radiator, thermostat side, and tighten the band.Connect the rapid connector for the radiator lower coolant outlet hose.Refit the guide pipe and together with the engine oil dipstick.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Connect the earth lead to the starter motor.Connect the earth lead to the alternator.Connect the electrical connection to the insufficient engine oil pressure sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the detonation sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the rpm sensor.Refit the modular intake manifold bracket and secure with bolts, then secure the wiring to the collars on the bracket.1. Place the rigid pipe for the exhaust pipe between the catalytic converter and the silencer (1a) complete with gasket (1b) back in its housing and secure it to the front exhaust silencer tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
2. Tighten the bolt fixing the rigid pipe mounting collar for the exhaust pipe between the catalytic converter and the silencer to the bracket.
Fit the lower timing belt cover and secure them using the bolts.Fit theside timing belt covers and secure them using the bolts.Fit the upper timing belt cover and secure it using the bolts.1. Position the engine components single belt fixed tensioner (1a) in its housing and secure it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
2. Refit the plug on the auxiliary drivebelt tensioner
Fit the flywheel lock.
1. Position the crankshaft pulley (1a) in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Remove the flywheel lock.
Fit the protection in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Proceed with the refitting.Refill the air conditioning coolant circuitConnect the negative battery terminal (-).Refill the engine cooling systemRemove the vehicle from the lift.