Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on a lift.Make sure that the ignition key is in the OFF position, then disconnect the negative battery terminal.
-Battery Vedere A1B BATTERIA ( CABLAGGI )
Proceed with the removal    Op. 1072C44 EXHAUST MANIFOLD HEAT SHIELD ON BULKHEAD - R+R.Proceed with the removal    Op. 1080B40 CATALYTIC PRE-CONVERTER - R R.1. Position a hydraulic jack under the power unit rigid rear support.2. Unscrew the bolt securing the power unit rigid rear support to the flexible mounting.Lower the power unit rigid rear support as necessary using the hydraulic jack.
1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the heat shield (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the flexible mounting for the power unit rear support (2b), complete with shim (2c) and nut (2d).
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Place a new flexible mounting for the power unit rear support (1a) in its housing complete with shim (1b) and nut (1c), then fasten it tightening the bolts (1d) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1dBoltINTERM RUBBER MOUNTM8(Front suspension crossmember side) 3.2 - 3.9
2. Place the heat shield (2a) back in its housing and fasten it using the nuts (2b).
Place the power unit rigid rear support in its housing using the hydraulic jack.1. Tighten the bolt securing the power unit side rigid rear support to the flexible mounting to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1BoltRIGID REAR SUPPORT POWER UNITM12(Flexible mounting side) 7.5 - 9.2
2. Remove the hydraulic jack positioned under the power unit rigid rear support.
Proceed with the refitting    Op. 1080B40 CATALYTIC PRE-CONVERTER - R R.Proceed with the refitting    Op. 1072C44 EXHAUST MANIFOLD HEAT SHIELD ON BULKHEAD - R+R.Connect the negative battery terminal (-).Remove the vehicle from the lift.