Use a rotary brush to clean
the panel edges in order to expose the spot welds.1. Drill out spot welds in the areas shown in the figure.2. Drill out spot welds in the areas shown in the figure.Use a chisel and mallet to remove spots
drilled previously.3. Remove the rear inner wheel arch
Straighten the panel edges
using a hammer and profiled stake.Use a grinding wheel to remove the spot
weld residues.1. Use a drill to make equidistant holes in the area shown in the
figure.Use a rotary brush to clean treated areas.2. Apply the electroweldable paint finish.
1. Use a rotary brush to remove the corrosion-proof treatment from
around the inner and outer edges of the part. Use electroweldable paint on the newly-treated
1. Lay the wheel arch on the car correctly and secure using self-locking
grippers.Check alignment.2. Use a spot welder to weld the areas shown in the figure.3. Use a MIG welder to fill the holes made previously.
Correct any deformations in
the panel using a profiled stake and mallet.1. Use a grinding wheel to level the weldsUse a rotary brush to clean the newly-welded
1. Apply rust-proofing to newly-welded areas.2. Seal the areas indicated in the figure.Reapply the PVC treatment.3. Apply sound-deadening panels.Apply paint.