2401119 - E1010 SUPPLY - Functional description

Functional description

All the electrical equipment and systems are supplied by the battery A1 .

The main supply lines are protected by the engine compartment junction unit B1 fuses, in particular:

  • F1 underdashboard junction unit supply B2, at pin A of connector C;
  • F4 underdashboard junction unit supply B2, at pin B of connector C and additional fuse box B98;
  • F3 ignition switch H1 supply.

Other circuits are supplied by turning ignition key H1 to various different positions:

  • in the ON position, numerous circuits and services controlled by the ignition (INT line) are supplied ('INT' and '15/54' lines): pin 2 of connector B and 1 of connector A;
  • in the AVV position - the starter motor is supplied; (line '50') See E5010  STARTING AND RECHARING; in this position several circuits are disconnected ('INT/A' line): 1 of connector B;