2401141 - E3032 DOOR MIRROR ADJUSTMENT - Functional description (Low setup)

Functional description

The motors for the door mirrors P60 and P61 are operated by the joystick and the switch H30 located on the driver's door. This control H30 is supplied at pin 7 by the line protected by fuse F49 of the junction unit under the dashboard B2; the same line provides the lighting for the ideograms at pin 8. Pin 5 of H30 is earthed. The shared power supply for the mirror motors comes from pin 6 whilst the commands for moving the left and right mirrors P60 and P61 come from pins 1-4 and 3-2, respectively; the mirror motors are operated in this way at pin 3 (shared) and at pins 2 and 4 (horizontal and vertical movement, respectively).