2401152 - E3090 PARKING SENSOR - Functional description

Functional description

Parking sensor control unit M84 is supplied - pin 1 of connector A - from the INT line protected by fuse F49 of control unit B2. Pin 8 of connector A is earthed. The control unit is connected via CAN line to all other nodes on the network via pins 7 and 14 of connector A; in this way it receives the reverse engaged signal, amongst other signals.The commands for activating the buzzer are sent to the instrument panel via the CAN. Pin 5 receives an inhibition signal for the operation of the system if a trailer is connected via coupling D73 See E2050 TRAILER WIRING . The four parking sensors K97 are connected to connector C of control unit M84 : pin 1 supplies a reference earth, pin 6 the power supply, pins 5, 3, 2 and 4 are connected to sensors K97A , K97B , K97C and K97D .