2399359 - E6010 HEATER - Description


The vehicle climate control system involves a duct/distributor unit with a heater, controlled via two knobs in the dashboard: each knob carries out a dual function: one with the outer ring nut, one with the actual knob in the centre:

  • the ring nut for the left knob mechanically controls the mixture flap between hot and cold air; the inner knob electrically controls the ventilation of the air at four different speeds;
  • the opening of the flaps which adjust the distribution of the air flows; the inner knob mechanically controls the engagement of the recirculation function.
For more details  Characteristic of working principle 5020  HEATER There is also a red button in the control unit for switching on the hazard warning lights  See E2020  DIRECTION INDICATORS / HAZARD WARNING LIGHTS and a button for switching on the heated rear windscreen with the LED for showing it is on  See E3030  HEATED REAR WINDSCREEN AND DOOR MIRROR DEFROSTING . The fan is supplied by a line protected by a special fuse and controlled by a special relay in the engine compartment control unit.The operation of the fan at different speeds is achieved through a resistive divider, protected by a special thermal fuse to prevent overheating.The control unit is supplied by a line controlled by the ignition and protected by a fuse in the underdashboard control unit.