2400868 - 7045D21 Front seat CUSHION COVER, left or right - R.R. with seat removed
- 7045A14 Front seat CUSHION ASSEMBLY
(one), left or right - R.R.1. Release the surround (1a) for the cushion cover; use a suitable
size screwdriver (1b) to open the duct (1c). Extract the profile
(1d) of the cover releasing it from the retainers (1e). 2. Remove the steel seat base.
1. Release the cover from the perimeter of the upholstery.2. Use clippers to cut the retaining rings between the trim and
the padding.3. Separate trim (3a) from padding (3b).
Check that the cover is undamaged.Fit the trim on the padding.Connect the cover to the upholstery attaching
the retaining rings.1. Working on the base of the seat using a mallet (1a), shape the
edge (1b) of the seat cover retaining duct; If necessary, restore
the retainers (1c) to their correct position.
1. Position the upholstery and cover (1a) on the seat base (1b).2. Fit the perimeter edges of the cushion cover on the upholstery.3. Attach the perimeter profile of the cover to the duct. Fit the
cover onto the padding.