3314537 - 2710A32 intermediate drive shaft bearing support - r + r with intermediate drive shaft removed

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp.Ensure that the ignition key is in the OFF position, then disconnect the negative battery terminal (-).

-Battery  A1B 
Proceed with the removal  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (Right side). Proceed with the removal  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (Right side). Proceed with removal  - 1084A16  oil dip stick pipe - r r . Proceed with removal  - 1092G10  single engine belt r r . Proceed with removal  - 5530A14  alternator - r+r for versions with air conditioner . 1. Undo the bolt (1a) and loosen the bolt (1b) fixing the brackets connecting the oil sump to the power unit rigid rear support.
Fix the steering knuckle to the upper track control arm, then remove the hydraulic jack.1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the engine oil level sensor.

1Engine oil level sensor  K32 
2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the insufficient engine oil pressure switch.

2Insufficient engine oil pressure (switch) sensor  K30 
3. Release the electrical wiring from the retaining bands.
1. Undo the nut fixing the rear power unit rigid support to the flexible mounting.2. Undo the bolts fixing the power unit rigid rear support to the cylinder block/crankcase.
Proceed with removal  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r . Proceed with removal  - 1008C16  body link bracket - r r . 1. Undo the nut fixing the timing side rigid engine support to the flexible mounting.
1. Undo the upper nut (1a) fixing the pressure pump and fix it using a suitable engine lifting bracket (1b).2. Fit the safety tools (2a) and (2b) for supporting the power unit and connect the rod to the bracket fitted previously.

2aSupport mountings1.870.650.000

3. Act on the rod and raise the power unit, as necessary.4. Remove the rigid rear support for the power unit.
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Place the rigid rear support for the power unit back in its housing.2. Adjust the rod and place it in its housing in the power unit.3. Remove the safety tools (3a) and (3b) used for supporting the power unit.

3aSupport mountings1.870.650.000

4. Remove the engine lifting bracket.5. Tighten the upper nut fixing the pressure pump to the recommended torque.

5NutPRESSURE PUMPM8Support side 2.6 - 3.2
1. Tighten the nut securing timing side rigid engine support to the flexible mounting to the recommended torque.

1NutENGINE MOUNT TIMING SIDEM10(Flexible mounting side) 3.8 - 4.7
Proceed with refitting  - 1008C16  body link bracket - r r . Proceed with refitting  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r . 1. Tighten the bolts fixing the power unit rigid rear support to the cylinder block/crankcase to the recommended torque.

1BoltPOWER UNIT RIGID REAR MOUNTM10(Engine crankcase side) 4.3 ÷ 5.3
2. Tighten the nut securing the rear power unit rigid support to the flexible mounting to the recommended torque.

2NutPOWER UNIT RIGID REAR MOUNTM10(Flexible mounting side) 3.8 ÷ 4.7
Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and fix it using the bands.Connect the electrical connection for the insufficient engine oil pressure switch.Connect the electrical connection to the engine oil level sensor. Release the steering knuckle from the temporary fixing with the upper track control arm and support it using a hydraulic jack.Tighten the screw and the bolt fixing the brackets connecting the oil sump to the power unit rigid rear support. Proceed with refitting  - 5530A14  alternator - r+r for versions with air conditioner . Proceed with refitting  - 1092G10  single engine belt r r . Proceed with refitting  - 1084A16  oil dip stick pipe - r r . Proceed with the refitting  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (Right side). Proceed with the refitting  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (Right side). Connect the negative (-) battery terminal.Remove the car from the ramps.