3310017 - E7021 ASR / TCS - Description (VDC)
The AntiSlip Regulation function (ASR) controls
car traction by cutting in automatically whenever one or both drive
wheels begin to slip.The system uses the ABS sensors to detect
when one or both side wheels are beginning to slip and reduce power
transmitted by the engine in order to adjust to road surface grip.One of two different control systems
is activated according to the slip conditions:
- If the slip affects both drive wheels and is caused by
too much transmitted power, the ASR system intervenes to reduce
engine power.
- If only one drive wheel is slipping, the ASR system cuts
in to brake the slipping wheel automatically in much the same way
as a self-locking differential.
The ASR system helps increase car
stability and active safety during driving, particularly under the
following conditions:
- Wheel slip on bends, due to the effect of dynamic load
changes or excessive acceleration.
- Too much power transmitted to the wheels, especially when
the road surface is slippery.
- Acceleration over loose, snow-covered or icy road surfaces.
- Loss of grip on wet ground (acquaplaning)
The ASR system comes on automatically whenever
the engine is started up.While the car is in motion, the ASR system
can be turned on and off by pressing a button on the central console.
A warning light on the button comes on when the system is off.ASR system activation is indicated by the
flashing of a warning light on the control panel.The Traction Control System (TCS) uses the
same sensors as the ASR system and cuts in automatically whenever
one or both drive wheels begin to slip.The system is only active at speeds less
than 40 km/h and detects wheel slip during conditions of take-off,
abrupt acceleration, poor grip and uneven or slippery road surface (snow,
gravel etc.,) when it cuts in automatically to brake the slipping
drive wheel or wheels.If only one drive wheel is slipping, the
TSC system acts in much the same way as a self-locking differential.The TCS system comes on autamatically whenever
the engine is turned on.While the the car is in motion, the TCS
system can be turned on or off by means of a button on the central
console. A warning light on the button comes on when the system
is off.TCS system operation is indicated by the
flashing of a warning light on the instrument panel.