3314495 - 2125C20 gearbox manual control support and lever - r + r for checking and replacement if necessary

Removing ( Refitting )  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (left)  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (left) 1. Undo the bolt (1a) and move aside the coolant reservoir (1b).
1. Disconnect the gear selector/engagement cables from the gear selector and engagement assembly.2. Undo the nuts (2a) for the brackets (2b) fixing the gear selector/engagement cables.
 - 7040L20  tunnel trim - r r . 1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the cover (1b).2. Undo the nuts (1a) and the bolts (1b), then remove the reinforcement bracket (2c).3. Disconnect the air vent.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and the nuts (1b) and remove the gearbox manual control assembly (1c) complete with gear selector and engagement cables.
1. Remove the clips (1a) and remove the brackets (1b) fixing the gear selector/engagement cables.
1. Remove the circlip (1a) and disconnect the gear selector cable (1b).2. Disconnect the gear engagement cable.3. Remove the safety clips (3a) and remove the gear selector/engagement cables (3b).
1. Remove the gear lever grip (1a) with the tool (1b) positioned as illustrated in the diagram and undo the bolt until it is completely removed.

Protect the contact areas between the gear lever knob and the tool to prevent superficial damage using felt, bodywork tape, etc.
2. Remove the spring.3. Remove the reverse gear inhibitor.4. Remove the circlip (4a) and remove the lever (4b).5. Undo the bolts (5a) and separate the gear control rod (5b) from the supports (5c).
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Fit the gear control rod (1) on the supports (1b) and secure using the bolts (1c).2. Fit the lever (2a) and fasten it using the circlip (2b).3. Fit the reverse gear inhibitor.4. Fit the spring.5. Place the gear lever knob (5b) back in its housing with the tool (5b) positioned as illustrated in the diagram and adjust the bolt until the fitting it completed.

Place the gear selector/engagement cables in their housings and fix them using the clips.Connect the gear engagement cable.Connect the gear selector cable and fix it using the circlip.Fit the gear selector/engagement cable securing brackets and fix them using the clips.Place the gearbox manual control assembly, complete with gear selector and engagment cables in its housing and fix it using the nuts and bolts.Connect the air vent.Fit the reinforcement bracket and fix it using the nuts and bolts.Fit the cover and fix it using the nuts.Tighten the nuts for the gear selector/engagement cables securing bracket.1. Position the spacer tool under the gear engagement lever.

2. Connect the gear selector cable.
1. Loosen the adjustment nut on the selector lever.Move the gear control lever completely to the right and, in this position, tighten the adjustment nut.
Place the gear control lever in Reverse and remove the spacer tool.

1. Place the gear control lever in neutral and connect the gear engagement cable.
Refit the coolant reservoir and secure it with its bolt. - 7040L20  tunnel trim - r r .  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (left)  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (left).